Preparing for Reauthorization of IDEA: Lens of Deaf-Blindness Amy T. Parker, Ed.D. & COMS Associate Director of the National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Goals of the Session To examine sections of IDEA through the lens of deaf-blindness To gain knowledge of the Congressional procedures that reauthorize statute To gain knowledge and skill in articulating aspects of the history of deaf-blindness as it relates to the federal role To recognize parents’ role in the dialogue IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
History of Deaf-Blindness and Federal Support (Thompson & Freeman, 1995) Early Legislation- Rubella Epidemic Regional Centers- outreach, consultation, research Local programs Technical Assistance as a way to build local capacity National Technical Assistance and Dissemination State Technical Assistance Personnel Preparation, Model Demonstration & Research Role of Families as Partners IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Congressional Roles A reauthorization of expiring law can be one in which the authority for the program is extended under the same essential provisions, or it can include major changes to the program. IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
House and Senate Committees /congress/committees/ HSED /congress/committees/ HSED IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Agency Organizational Chart Secretary of Education OSEPRSANIDRR Office of the Assistant Secretary IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Agency Guidance Rulemaking and Regulation Implementation of Legislation Technical assistance and education Support for the role of parents Direction to the national center and to states IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Parts of IDEA Part A- General Provisions Part B- Assistance for Education of All Children with Disabilities Part C- Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Part D- National Activities to Improve Education of Children with Disabilities IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Guiding themes from the statute- direct quotes “high expectations for children through access to the general education curriculum” “strengthening the role of parents” “scientifically based instructional practices that meet the needs of children”- “Including the use of technology” “national interest that the Federal government have a supporting role in assisting states” IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
More guiding themes “ensuring free and appropriate public education” “ensuring the rights of children with disabilities and parents of such children are protected” “highly qualified teachers” “highly qualified personnel- including related service providers” IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Specific references to deaf-blindness- exist in Part D “Simultaneous vision and hearing impairment” p. 132 “Technical assistance to schools and agencies serving deaf-blind children and their families” p. 136 “12,832,000 to address the educational, related service, and early intervention needs of children with deaf-blindness” IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Defining deaf-blindness- (comes from regulation) …concomitant [simultaneous] hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness. [§300.8(c)(2)] IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Importance of identity- despite heterogeneity What makes deaf-blindness unique? How do you explain the common needs despite heterogeneity? Examples IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Part D- Technical Assistance and Dissemination History of Projects Roles in Knowledge Dissemination, Awareness, & Systemic Support Where projects are housed Constraints for projects Partnerships of projects in states Partnerships and support to teachers and families IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Part B- Related Services Many see the need for greater specificity in the law Alsop, Zambone, Prouty & others work on interveners Interpreting supports outlined but interveners role has not been outlined Some teams and districts have found enough support to provide access based on the child’s needs IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
Knowledge and Skills for Teachers and Interveners- CEC Competencies Qualified Teachers and Interveners for Students who are Deaf-Blind- described by the CEC Low incidence teacher and related service provider preparation supported by language in the statute Qualifications managed by states Low-incidence protection by the federal law IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
The Structure of Briefs Examples Think-Pair-Share Teams Re-Teach & Summarize IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
The Structure of Effective Presentations Using Briefs Effectively What to Do What Not to Do Working in Teams Discussion and Role Play IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012
The Importance of Shared Vision Collaborating with others The importance of shared teaching in deaf- blindness Low incidence disabilities in larger arenas IDEA Reauthorization- NFADB Family Leaders Discussion by Parker, 2012