Reflective Pathways from Theory to Practice Brewton-Parker College Education Division BPC Conceptual Framework
The journey required developing… Conceptual Framework Mission Statement Vision Statement Purpose (Goals) Brewton-Parker Teacher Candidate Proficiency Outcomes
Mission Statement The mission of the Education Division of Brewton-Parker College, which echoes, but does not replicate the mission of the college, is to produce effective and reflective educators through programs that will allow them to acquire a strong foundation of research-based knowledge with a Christian worldview, strengthen philosophical attitudes and Christian values, and demonstrate strong pedagogical practice.
Mission Statement (continued) These are educators whose knowledge of, dispositions towards, and performance related to curriculum, pedagogy and the learner are guided by Christian faith. A reflective teacher is one who critically examines the practices of teaching and is able to make informed decisions as well as to solve problems. This is achieved by guiding the teacher candidates down Reflective Pathways from Theory to Practice, which
Mission Statement (continued) Becomes a unifying them for the division. These pathways include a program of liberal arts core classes – including Christianity and education courses – content courses, field experiences and volunteer service. Reflective Pathways from Theory to Practice
Vision Statement The shared vision of the Education Division of Brewton-Parker College desires that its graduates teach all students effectively, while upholding a Christian worldview. The theme, Reflective Pathways from Theory to Practice, which our teacher candidates pursue for this vision to become a reality, relates to the historical principles of the college as a church-related institution.
Vision Statement (continued) Thus, our teacher candidates will become reflective educators who possess strong academic knowledge and appropriate dispositions.
Vision Statement (continued) The teacher candidate will also demonstrate the principle of “soul competency, the worth of the individual, and the freedom of individual conscience. The principle of religious liberty affirms education, but not indoctrination, and the principles of the priesthood of the believer affirms the equality of all students in the learning process” (Brewton-Parker College Catalog, p. 11)
Purposes (Goals) The purposes of the Education Division are to provide the knowledge, disposition, skills, and experiences that will enable the shared mission, vision and philosophy, to become realities for our teacher candidates. The Brewton- Parker trained teachers are exemplary and unique because of:
Knowledge: Our teacher candidates have been guided now reflective pathways that include a program of liberal arts core classes and Christianity and education courses taught in an atmosphere of free inquiry. Rigorous academic standards train the candidate to develop judgment, critical thinking skills, which are taught through faith in leaning and which develop reflective practices based on knowledge and experience.
Dispositions: Our teacher candidates, who exhibit Christian dispositions toward local, state, and national educational perspectives, are committed to a life of service based upon individual respect and encouragement. They recognize and reinforce the dignity and worth of individual convictions and cultural differences that promote motivation and positive social interaction.
Performance: Our teacher candidates continually reflect in their journals learning and teaching experiences. They become more effective at their task as teachers in the learning community, where this is viewed as a social and civic responsibility and as an expression of Christian stewardship.
Reflective Teacher Candidate Proficiency Outcomes Measure our Education Division goals Aligned with the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) Aligned with Georgia 2000 Standards Aligned with national standards
Reflective Teacher Candidate Proficiency Outcomes Understand and demonstrates knowledge of learner characteristics Develops lesson plans using technology and a variety of instructional methods Demonstrates a mastery of content Promotes creative and critical thinking Demonstrates proficiency in writing and expression
BPC Teacher Candidate Proficiency Outcomes Utilizes formal and informal methods of assessment Demonstrates an understanding of student diversity Promotes motivation and positive social interaction
BPC Teacher Candidate Proficiencies Employs a Christian worldview while reinforcing the dignity and worth of the individual through ethical decision making. Possesses a Christian disposition toward school, local, state, national, and world values.
Electronic Portfolio - LiveText Individual teacher candidate portfolios Individual course portfolios Portfolios demonstrates student growth and achievement Teacher candidate progress is evaluated using scoring guides Teacher candidate progress is available in aggregated data
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