30 April, April, April, 2015Property of the Cook Islands Audit Office RETAINING INDPENDENCE FROM GOVERNMENT
30 April, April, April, 2015Property of the Cook Islands Audit Office Overview Establishment of Public Expenditure Review Committee and Audit (PERCA) Appointment/removal of the Head of SAI Composition/Functions of PERC Ensuring Independence within our operating environment Recent Developments
30 April, April, April, 2015Property of the Cook Islands Audit Office Establishment of PERCA Established under section 71 of the Constitution PERCA Act Specifies the functions/responsibilities of the Committee and Audit Provides a wide range of powers to PERCA to enable them to perform its functions.
30 April, April, April, 2015Property of the Cook Islands Audit Office Appointment/Removal of the Head of SAI Position is advertised in the public domain Candidates are interviewed and shortlisted by Select Panel Select Panel recommends to Cabinet through the Minister responsible for PERCA Appointment is made by Executive Council on the recommendation of Cabinet. Term of appointment – 3 years Removal of Head of SAI is by the Queens Representative on the advice of the Prime Minister.
30 April, April, April, 2015Property of the Cook Islands Audit Office Composition/Functions of PERC 4 members from the private sector – 2 lawyers and 2 accountant. Responsible to Parliament. Provide a mechanism for public consultation and inputs to budget and expenditure proposals. Pursue legitimate issues of public concern that affect the management of public funds. Consider and agree on the adequacy and nature of the annual work programme intended to be undertaken by the Director. May summon any person other than a parliamentarian.
30 April, April, April, 2015Property of the Cook Islands Audit Office Ensuring Independence Director determines the annual work program in consultation with PERC. The Director is responsible for the administration and operation of the Audit Office. All Audit staff are required to complete our conflict of interest register. The audit work is reviewed by our external Audit Commissioner, Senior Partner of Ernest Young, Wellington. Use of external experts/agencies to undertake audits on sensitive matters. Strong support from the public and the media
30 April, April, April, 2015Property of the Cook Islands Audit Office Recent Developments Establishment of Governance Oversight Unit within Parliament. Establishment of Parliament Expenditure and Finance Select Committee (PEFSC)