Cartman Did you know that Eric Theodore Cartman is his full name??? In The Spirit of Christmas (Jesus vs. Frosty) Cartman was called Kenny. He is voiced by Trey Parker
Butters His full name is Leopold "Butters" Stotch!! In one of the episodes he was a talented tap dancer! He is voiced by Matt Stone
Stan His full name is Stanley 'Stan' Marsh His uncle is Jimbo Stan's girlfriend is Wendy Testaburger He is voiced by Trey Parker
Kyle Kyles full name is Kyle Broflovski He is Jewish He is voiced by Matt Stone
Kenny His full name is Kenneth 'Kenny' McCormick He is poor He is voiced by Matt Stone This is his real face!!
Wendy Wendy has been voiced by a few people: Mary Kay Bergman, Mona Marshall, Eliza Schneider, and recently April Stewert, and in the original unaired version of Cartman Gets an Anal Probe, Rochelle Leffler. Her full name is Wendy Testaburger
Mr(s). Garrison Mr. Garrison turns into a woman in season 9 Janet Garrison (born Herbert Garrison), is voiced by Trey Parker
And now, the awesome creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trey Parker He is the voice for: -Stan, his father Randy and his grandfather Marvin -Eric Cartman -Clyde Donovan -Craig and his parents -Herbert/Janet Garrison -Mr. Hankey -God -Santa Claus -Mr. Mackey -Officer Barbrady -Ms. Choksondik -Timmy -Jimmy Vulmer -Tuong Lu Kim -Dougie -Kyle Schwartz -Phillip -Satan -Brian Boitano -Dog Poo -Various others He is 37 years old
Matt Stone He is the voice for Butters, Kyle, and Kenny
Oscars At the Oscars, Matt Stone and Trey Parker wore dresses! Matt Stone is wearing the pink dress, and Trey Parker is wearing the green dress!!!!
Thank you for looking at my slideshow!