1 Commercial Banking Banorte Investor Day November 16, 2007
2 Contents 1. Commercial Overview Infrastructure Key Volume Indicators Key Performance Indicators 2. Competitive advantages Process improvements Commercial Alliances
3 Contents 1. Commercial Overview Infrastructure Key Volume Indicators Key Performance Indicators 2. Competitive advantages Process improvements Commercial Alliances
4 Footprint Coverage September 2007 Commercial Overview TOTAL SISTEMA Branches139 $79 Population11.6 NOROESTE OCCIDENTE MEXICO NORTE SUR PENINSULAR CENTRO NORTE Branches208 $103 Population Branches115 $55 Population 12.2 Branches138 $60 Population 14.4 Branches127 Branches75 $50 Population10.0 Branches100 $41 Population24.1 MEXICO SUR Branches121 Branches1,023 $67 Population Pop- Millions 8.2 GDP per capita – Thousands of pesos $96 Population22.7 GDP NORTHWEST NORTH CENTRAL OCCIDENTAL NORTH MEXICO CITY SOUTH MEXICO CITY TOTAL SOUTH
5 3% 6% 8% Infrastructure Branch Expansion Program 14.1% Market Share 13.9%14.3%14.8%
6 14% 15% 13% Infrastructure ATM Network 12.9% Market Share 13.1% 13.9% 14.5%
7 40% 33% 25% Infrastructure POS Terminals
8 3% Infrastructure Employees: Sales force 12.0% Market Share 11.8% 11.6% 12.0%
9 10% 16% 11% Infrastructure Millions of Customers e2008e 9% 16%
10 Key Metrics Units % % Branches % %10% ATM's % %15% POS21.66%33.17%53% Internet81.222% %26% Banortel14.34%17.14%19% Total % %19% Sep’06 Sep ‘07 % Var Channel #% Transactions in millions
11 Average Monthly Sales Products Per Branch Key Metrics Sep ‘06Sep ‘07 % Consumer455318% Deposits % Banc-assurance374316% Total % Product
12 Key Metrics Date Cross-selling Index Jun ’ Dec ’ Jun ’ Dec ’07e2.11 Dec ’08e 2.21 Cross-selling index Products Per Client
13 Constant billion pesos Total Deposits Demand Time 14% 17%18%12%15%
14 Total Loans Constant billion pesos Consumer Commercial Government 25%27% (32%) E2008 E 21%30%16%28%32%72%
15 Service Fees Constant billion pesos % 15%
16 Contents 1. Commercial Overview Infrastructure Key Volume Indicators Key Performance Indicators 2. Competitive advantages Process improvements Commercial Alliances
17 Use of digital files for electronic loan authorizations. Benefits: Faster response time in consumer loans. Parametric credit analysis. Uniform approval / rejection criteria. Competitive Advantage Evaluation and Resolution Entry of customer’s information 15 min5 min2 - 4 hrs Electronic Authorization Digital Credit Process
18 Off site loan origination capabilities: Remote access to evaluation system De facto mobile sales force. Competitive Advantage Banorte’s Applications VPN Center Private Key Virtual Private Network Laptop Banorte Virtual Inputs Safe password w/ dynamic token Mobile InternetMobile InternetMobile InternetMobile Internet
19 Competitive Advantage Tracking of sales’ force metrics. Planning, development & client retention tool. Cross-selling tool. Incentive based compensation schemes. SIVS Sales Force Supervision
20 Alliance with Telecomm Mexican Telegraph Company. 1,559 agencies nationwide. Provides services for un-banked communities: Debit cash withdrawals, deposits and payments. Entry level accounts: Banorte Fácil.
21 Deposits Withdrawals Check balances Savings account openings Total AVERAGE MONTHLY TRANSACTIONS Service Transactions 140,948 62,904 8,940 1, , Competitive advantages
22 Certain statements in this document are “forward-looking statements”. These statements are based on management’s current expectations and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may differ materially from those included in these statements due to a variety of factors.
24 YEAR TO YEAR BRANCH EXPANSION INCLUDES BANK AGENCIES 1. Commercial Overview INFRASTRUCTURE JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov EDec E TOTAL ,001 1,0071,0081,0131,0191,0231,0311,0401, MONTH 2007
25 YEAR TO YEAR CLIENTS GROWTH 1. Commercial Overview INFRASTRUCTURE Deposits * 3,887, ,749 Loans 450,083 * 2,887, 551 comes from BanorteFácil and Sumanómina INFORMATION UP TO OCTOBER 2007
26 1. Commercial Overview REAL TERM MILLIONS OF PESOS
28 2. Competitive advantages
29 2. Competitive advantages
30 2. Competitive advantages
31 2. Competitive advantages
32 2. Competitive advantages
33 2. Competitive advantages
34 Flujo operativo de Innova Branch Executives Identify the Client Capture Data Preevaluation Evaluation 1 Pool de Indexación Integra el expedeinte electrónico 4 Digital File 3 Digital confirmation 5 Cuentas Nuevas (Operaciones) Validación de la normativa Operación del Crédito 7 Custodia Recepción de expediente para resguardo 9 Real File storage 8 Branch Manager Authorized or Rejects 2 6 Autorización o rechazo del Director Regional, Territorial según la normativa
35 Service Fees Constant billion pesos Deposits Electronic Banking Credit Cards Other Services %22%47%16%4%16%44%9% (1%) 8%43%21%
36 Rentabilidad de Sucursales AVERAGE QUARTELY EARNINGS $ millones de pesos corrientes * Sucursales con menos de 2 años de antigüedad Per Branch1.51.9
37 TOTA LOANS REAL TERM BILLIONS OF PESOS 1. Commercial Overview GROWTH PORTAFOLIO Product and banking