Why? Clear and accurate picture Follow up actions Shape individual support Practise Unforeseen Circumstances!
You’ve been going to school for nearly 11 Years. All your exams are over and done in around 2 weeks time. That’s a long time. That’s not a long time.
DayDateTimeExamRevision Details Sunday 30 th November Today I will Revise: Monday 1 December English iGCSE Economics Today I will Revise:
English 3 questions in 2 hours – 40 marks (15,10,15) Directed Writing Writer’s Effects Summary
Q1: Directed Writing (15) ‘…I was terrified. I spent the night holding onto my flask ready to use it as a weapon to protect myself. I feel so lonely out here.’ ‘…the young teen spent two terrifying nights fighting for his life, in the jungle, before rescue efforts were successful in finding him.’ WHO? WHY? HOW? – make decisions! Know the conventions
Q2: Writer’s Effects (10) ‘…scowling, he looked me in the eye and began to speak….’ ‘…beaming he looked me in the eye and began to speak….’ ‘…she took a turning with a handwritten sign. She had to cross a rickety, rotting footbridge over a rushing stream. Another battered sign, nailed to a tree, bore the ominous words, ambiguosly addressed: ‘Wild Big Cats – Keep Out’.
Easy Marks! Juxtaposition Rhetorical Question Metaphor Simile Hyperbole Imagery What strikes you? Why?
Q3: Summary Select the right part of the passage Pick out the key parts Turn the bullet points into full sentences and paragraphs READ THE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY!