Inter-Amercian Program for the Promotion of Trade, Agribusiness and Food Safety
What is IICA Is the specialized agency for agriculture and promotion of rural well being of the Inter-American System It has 34 Member States, offices in each one and Heaquarters in Costa Rica
Strategic Areas Agribusiness Policy and Trade Negotiations Technology and Innovation Agricultural Health and Food Safety Sustainable Rural Development Education and Trainning
Agribuisness Integrated system that considers all the activities taking place inside and outside the farm gate, incluiding public services that are needed to operate competitively
Development Round Trade is an important element for development. Trade agreements only create opportunities, it is the responsibility of countries to take advantage of them
Practical Problems Agricultural producers and agro-entrepreneurs have serious problems to access and analyze the information needed to participate in markets. Agricultural producers and agro-entrepreneurs are not equiped to satisfy market requierements for quality and safety. Overall, they are not prepared to compete under the new world scenario.
Mandates Provide technical cooperation to strengthen entrepreneurial capcity of the small and medium size producers. Support efforts to identigy commercial opportunities for the small and medium producers. Provide information to facilitate commercial decissions.
Strategic lines of action Strenthgening entrepreneurial capacity. Identificatiion of market opportunities. Information for commercial decissions. Strengthening of public and private institutionality.
Strengthening of Entrepreneurial Capacity Export Platforms. Export Business Plans. Diganostic of export capcity. Workshops and seminars.
Objetive: Increase and diversify the nunber and value of exporters to specific markets. 3 Stages 1. Capacity building in international business. 2. Product validation 3. In situ marketing
Export Platforms Results Conducted 12: 4 in Costa Rica, 3 in El Salvador, 2 Nicaragua, 2 in Honduras and 1 República Dominicana. More than 150 companies. More than 250 productos validated. 50% of companies exporting. Markets: Miami, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Toronto Montreal Currently: El Salvador, República Dominicana, Honduras
Strengthening of entrepreneurial capacity. Business plans for exports Canadian methodology. 8 Modules 1 Day per module One module every three weeks Practical trainning Case studies Working groups. Invited speakers/trainners
Evaluar el grado de preparación para exportar Determinar los elementos que requiere fortalecer la empresa antes de exportar Basado en los requisitos y los conocimientos que deben conocer las empresas para exportar directamente (por medio de agentes o distribuidores) Fortalecimiento de la capacidad empresarial Diagnóstico de la capacidad empresarial para exportar
Exporting fresh and processed products to the USA and Canda. How to comply with the requeriments to import products to USA, Canada and the European Union. Calculating cost and prices for exports. How to identify, slect and negotiate with a foreign intermediary. Strengthening of entrepreneurial capacity. Trainning courses and seminars
Identifying market opportunities. Participation in trade show. Prospective commercial missions. Specific and specialized marked studies.
Information for market decissions Infoagro/Agronegocios ( Agribusiness series PRODAR ( IICA (
Information for commercial decissions Infoagro/Agronegocios News Digital Library Source of current topics. Export Requirements United States Canadá European Union
Institutional Strengthening Market Information Organization of the Americas (OIMA) Asociación Panamericana de Bolsas de Productos Agropecuarios BELTRAIDE Agribusiness Units of the Ministery of Agriculture in El Salvador. Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Agroalimentario, Secretaría Agricultura y Ganadería de Honduras CAFTA information center operated by IICA en Nicaragua
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