Used by many 100,000s of customers Used by many 10,000,000s of users Processing Billions of s a day Using Thousands of servers Across dozens of Datacenters worldwide Supported by SMEs who wrote the code 24x7x365
740 million Spam messages per day
Protect communications Multi-engine anti-malware and enhanced spam filtering to help protect your environment from threats Enforce policy Flexible tools for policy enforcement that provide the right level of control Streamlined management Flexible administration of anti-spam, anti-malware and policy rules
Works with any SMTP platform! Every Office 365 customer is an EOP customer Easy transition from EOP stand-alone to Office 365 On-premises server - Inbound and Outbound filtered through EOP On Premise Corporate Network EOP O365 Exchange Online
is routed to EOP DC’s based on MX record resolution ( IP-based edge blocking Reputation blocking Virus scanning AV Engine 1 AV Engine 2 AV Engine 3 SPAM protection Safe Sender/Recipient Policy enforcement Custom Rules Content scanning and Heuristics Bulk Mail filtering SPF & Sender ID Filter Quarantine *International Spam* Advanced SPAM management Customer feedback False +ve / -ve Customer feedback False +ve / -ve Spam analysts Corporate network Regular expressions URL block lists Envelope blocks Forefront blocks Allows/Rejects
Outbound Pool High Risk Delivery Pool High Score Outbound Pool Low Score SPAM protection Content scanning and Heuristics Advanced SPAM management Virus scanning AV Engine 1 AV Engine 2 AV Engine 3 Policy enforcement Custom Rules Quarantine Spam Analysts Corporate network Bulk Delivery Pool Bulk Mail Internet Encryption 9
Block unwanted based on language or geographic origin Block based on language Block based on geography
Delete messages Delete attachments Robust, customizable notifications Sender notifications Admin notifications
Built on Exchange transport rules engine Conditions Actions Exceptions Conditions Actions Exceptions
February blogApril Blog Enhanced ReportingEnd user access to quarantine Extended Message TraceSupport for IPV6 Directory Based Edge Blocking (DBEB)Domain Keys Identified Mails (DKIM) for Inbound PowerShell Access for StandaloneMatch Subdomains Increased domain limitGeocentric Affinity Junk mail Reporting for OWA
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