Employment & Meaningful Community Activities Community Service Initiative Presentation APSE Conference 2013 April 28th-30th Presented By: Wendy Colonno, Joanie Parker & Jeanette Stanton
Overview of Presentation Overview of OPWDD and Employment & Meaningful Community Activities Background on Community Service Initiative Partnership with NYS Office of National and Community Service Connection to OPWDD’s employment goals AmeriCorps What's been happening since we started What’s next?
Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) Mission: We help people with Developmental Disabilities live richer lives Vision: People with Developmental Disabilities enjoy meaningful relationships with friends, families and others in their lives, experience personal health and growth and live in the home of their choice and fully participate in their communities.
OPWDD’s Employment & Meaningful Community Activities Provide information about Community Service/Civic Engagement Share options for new individuals Start individuals on their path to employment Employment Goals: Increase employment to meet CMS goals Move students into competitive employment after graduation
Community Service as a Path to Employment What is happening across the state? What have we learned? What do we need to build into this model for success?
Background on Community Service Initiative Community Service Specialist Goal: increase volunteer/community service opportunities Where we are right now
Partnership with Office of National and Community Service (ONCS) Community Inclusion Initiative Fits in with employment and meaningful community activities
Connection to OPWDD employment Goals Goal: double employment Target audiences Potential outcomes
What Is AmeriCorps? Focus areas Facts and data Volunteer Centers & ADA Grant Funding Connection
More on AmeriCorps 38 Programs 7 Statewide Programs Benefits & requirements of serving with AmeriCorps How does it effect SSA?
What Is Coming Up? I Love My Park Day May 4 th 2013 Over 70 state and local parks participating
Interested in AmeriCorps? Please Contact: Jeanette Stanton Community Service Specialist Employment & Meaningful Activities Division of Person-Centered Supports
Please Contact Wendy Colonno Employment and Community Service Coordinator Employment & Meaningful Activities Division of Person-Centered Supports (518)
Please Contact Joanie Parker Director of Day and Vocational Initiatives Heritage Christian Services