IGSHPA Conference 2007 RESNET RATERS & Kelly Parker P.E. (Measuring Energy)
65% of our energy consumption is met by fossil fuels Fossil fuels are finite and produce CO 2 Lower energy usage will require less use of fossil fuels, and will lower the CO 2 production Source: OECD/IEA 2000, Electricity Info 2000 Energy Efficiency is Increasingly Important
World Oil Supply
This is the serenity we want to feel when we think of Energy
But this may be the Reality
The U.S. represents about 5% of the world’s population The U.S. controls about 8% of the world’s energy resources The U.S. consumes about 25% of the world’s energy supplies America remains shackled to fossil fuels, with 86% of the country’s energy needs being met by petroleum, coal and natural gas Energy is a principal commodity of our society, amounting to approx. 9% of GNP. The Energy Picture Today
The average house size has increased dramatically in recent decades: 1950 = 983 sq.ft = 1500 sq.ft = 2080 sq.ft = 2265 sq.ft. Renovation activity is also on the rise: Existing home sales are driving renovation spending. Source: US Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census
The Energy Future is in Our Hands
US Conference of Mayors Adopts the “2030 Challenge” December, 2006
AIA ADOPTS THE “2030 CHALLENGE” Monday December,
CHALLENGE 1: New building projects + major renovations, meet a fossil fuel energy-consumption performance standard of ½ the national (or country) average for that building type.
CHALLENGE 2: That at a minimum an equal amount of existing building area be renovated to use ½ the fossil fuel energy they currently consume.
CHALLENGE 3: New Buildings - 50% NOW 2010 – 60% 2015 – 70% 2020 – 80% 2025 – 90% Carbon Neutral (no fossil fuel energy to operate)
What can We do to meet the challenge?
Bush administration says treaty on environment would hurt economy
We MUST be able to measure the Energy Consumption… HOW?
ByRATING the house or commercial building
Heating and Cooling Water Heating Lighting Appliances Building Envelope Rated Home Features: HOME ENERGY RATING SYSTEM (HERS) owned by RESNET HERS INDEX ~
History of the Rating Industry – Group of mortgage industry leaders set up the National Shelter Industry Energy Advisory Council –Goal - Measure the monetary savings attributable to the energy efficient features of a home –Goal - Giving credit for energy efficiency in a mortgage –Council created Energy Rated Homes of America –Early 1980’s - Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Veterans Administration (VA) all adopted energy mortgage programs History and Overview of Ratings
In response to record- breaking energy prices, homeowners have begun educating themselves about efficiency and are developing higher expectations for their homes. ENERGY STAR is an example. HOME owners are more educated
Residential Energy Star is a product of the Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star is 15% above IECC 2004 Energy Star has two methods of Certification for a home. A Word about Energy Star Prescriptive list Builder Option Package (BOP), HERS Performance Path HERS Index of 85 or Lower
Energy Star Zone Map
Energy Policy Act 2005: Residential Tax Credits Section 1332
Industrial Transportation Buildings Buildings Use the Greatest Amount of Energy - More than Automobiles. Source: Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review % 28% 39% Federal Tax Credits: Why Now?
Federal Tax Credit for New Homes Site Built Homes $2,000 to builder for each home whose performance is calculated to exceed Heating and Cooling Use of Section 404 of 2004 Supplement of the IECC by 50% (Does not count water heating/renewable energy production – covered by other incentives)
Federal Tax Credit for New Homes IRS Rule – IRS rd Party Inspection Required – Certified by RESNET or Equivalent Rating Certification Organization Software Tool Must Comply with RESNET Software Test Specifications
A Federal tax credit is currently available to builders of energy-efficient homes. Look into state and local incentives. Oklahoma has just developed it’s own and other states are sure to follow. Federal Tax Credit for New Homes
$2,000 business credit for homes with certified heating and cooling 50% above IECC Commercial deductions are also available. For more information, visit: Federal Tax Credit for New Homes
$1.80 / sf deductions $.60 Shell $.60 HVAC $.60 Lighting Federal Tax Deductions for Commercial Buildings
Get Involved Become a RATER
RATERS~ Over 5000 Nationwide
1.Take class (1 week), pass RESNET test Alt. Challenge Test (Rater Training Provider) 2.Do 5 Probationary Ratings (Typically 2 done in class) 3.Sign up with a RESNET Provider (Software available, QA provided) 4.Suggest join RESNET ($200/yr) STEPS TO BECOMING A RATER
Documentation of the Environmental Savings (NOx, SOx Carbon, Mercury, etc.) from Improving a Buildings Energy Performance. Documentation of the Savings from Improving a Buildings Energy Performance in the Emergency Utility Capacity Markets. Documentation of Buildings Energy Savings for Tradable White Certificates. Tapping the Existing Homes Market. New Services for Home Energy Raters Outside of Energy Star and Traditional Home Energy Ratings
Energy Code Compliance. Builder Warranty Mitigation Service. Documentation of Buildings Energy Savings for Tradable White Certificates. House Doctor. Verification of Green Programs. New Services for Home Energy Raters Outside of Energy Star and Traditional Home Energy Ratings
HVAC Sizing and Design
How can we work together? Mechanical Engineers Green Engineers - Modeling - LEED - ALA Tax Incentives - State - Federal
National LEED for Homes Pilot Provider (1 of 7 in the USA) National Energy Star Rater & Provider Certified over 20,000 ENERGY STAR Homes What We Do… National ALA Provider (1 of 3 in the USA )
EngineersConsultantsInspectors National Providers