Management Concepts
UNIT 1 - Introduction to Management, Organization and its Environment Management: Concept and Process levels of management Managerial roles & skills Social Responsibility and managerial ethics Organization and its environment
INTRODUCTION According to Peter Drucker, "Management is what the modern world is all about."
Why study management? We all have a vested interest in improving the way organizations are managed. Better organizations are, in part, the result of good management. You will eventually either manage or be managed Gaining an understanding of the management process provides the foundation for developing management skills and insight into the behavior of individuals and the organizations.
Contd/- Every individual works in the organized group to achieve what he can’t achieve individually. Management is an essential part of any group activity. Group can be:- Family Play group Work group School Business firm A government Management is a universal process- Wherever there is human activity, there is management. Getting work done through other people.
Organisation A group of people working together in a structured and co ordinated fashion to achieve a set of goals Organization A systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose; applies to all organizations—for-profit as well as not-for-profit organizations. Where managers work (manage) Common characteristics Goals Structure People
Common characteristics
Organisation and its environment
Manager someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals
Five Basic tasks of a manager Sets objectives. Organizes. Motivates and communicates. Measures. Develops people.
Henry MINtzberg- Managerial roles Interpersonal Figurehead Leader Liaison Informational Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson Decisional Entrepreneur Disturbance hander Resource allocator Negotiator
Organizational Levels Non-managerial Employees Top Managers Middle First-line
Organisational Levels First-line managers Supervisors responsible for directing the day-to-day activities of operative employees Middle managers Individuals at levels of management between the first-line manager and top management Top managers Individuals who are responsible for making decisions about the direction of the organization and establishing policies that affect all organizational members
Management Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. It involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so that their activities are completed efficiently.
Management Defined……. The process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through and with other people Efficiency Means doing the thing correctly; refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs; seeks to minimize resource costs Effectiveness Means doing the right things; goal attainment
Definitions Louis E Boone & David L Kurtz- The use of people and other resources to accomplish objectives. Mary Parker Follet- the act of getting things done through people. Frederick Taylor defines Management as the art of knowing what you want to do in the best and cheapest way.
Characteristics a distinct process. an organized activity aims at the accomplishment of predetermined objectives. both a science and an art. a group activity universal in nature integrates human and other resources.
Nature of management Mgmt. as a science Mgmt. principles based on observed phenomenon, systematic classification& analysis of data. Not an exact science—is a social science & deals with behavior of people in organisations.
Mgmt. as a art Application to solution of practical problem is an art Mgmt. as a profession Professional manager-mgr. who undertakes mgmt. as a career & not interested in acquiring ownership Profession has following characteristics A body of principles, techniques, skills and specialized knowledge
Contd/- Formalized methods of acquiring training &experience Establishment of a representative organization with professionalization as its goal Formation of ethical codes for the guidance of conduct Charging of fees based on services
Planning activities to achieve the Managers Planning activities to achieve the organization's objectives Organizing resources and activities to achieve the organization’s objectives Staffing the organization with qualified people Directing employees’ activities toward achievement of objectives Controlling the organization’s activities to keep it on course
Management Process Activities . Management Process Activities Management process: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
Management Process Planning Organizing Includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities Organizing Includes determining what tasks to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made
Management Process Leading Controlling Includes motivating employees, directing the activities of others, selecting the most effective communication channel, and resolving conflicts Controlling The process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and correcting any significant deviations
Importance of Management : Effective Utilization of Resources Development of Resources To Incorporate Innovations Integrating Various Interest Groups Stability in the Society
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND MANAGERIAL ETHICS Managers are under considerable pressure to make the best use of resources Too much pressure may induce managers to behave unethically, and even illegally