The Professional Teacher Learner-Centered Education EveryTeacher Teacher Development Planning Team June 14, 2004
The Task Create a Teacher Development Model that: Informs A Statewide System Of Schools Promotes Professional Development – School As A Place Where Everyone Learns Positions Everyone In The Same Learning Community Promotes Coherence And Cohesiveness Extends Pre-service To Classroom Practice Presents A Pathway For Teachers To Develop Goals Through Self-assessment Provides A Model For Professional Development At The Local, Organizational, and State Level Serves As An Assessment Structure Provides A Foundation For Teacher Evaluation
The Predecessor Maple Leadership Model
The Genesis Initial TDPT meeting and agreement to be part of development team (February 20, 2003) Small group meeting in April Janet Wilson, Joe Hauge, Cynthia Nelson, Karen Taylor Tom Hawley, Marlene Rothermel, Lynda Oldenkamp Mary Engstrom, Dorothy Fuller ( input) Articulation based on small group meeting and review of additional literature by ET Implementation Team members Presentation for feedback to this audience
The Supporting Documents INTASC Principles/Standards _and_Support_Consortium/ _and_Support_Consortium/ NBPTS Core Propositions and Certificate Area Standards ISTE/NETS Technology Standards for Teachers Learning for the 21st Century NEA Teacher Quality: Advocating Quality Teaching that Ensures Quality Learning Charlotte Danielson. Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching. (ASCD. 1996) James H. Stronge. Qualities of Effective Teachers. (ASCD. 2002)
The First Look - Examples CategoryAttributes/sub-categoriesReference Document Understand content; knowledge of content Authenticity, relevance Making content meaningful How to teach/assess content Future skills Technology integration, technology skills related to content INTASC 1, 7, 8 NCATE 1 NBPTS 3 ISTE/NETS 3 Understand Students Diverse learners Advocates for students and their individual learning Equity Use of technology INTASC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 NBPTS 1, 3, 4 ISTE/NETS 3 Relationships professional partnering collaboration community/parents INTASC 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 NBPTS 3, 5 ISTE/NETS 5
The First Look - Examples CategoryAttributes/sub-categoriesReference Document Assessment Monitor continually/feedback Technology as a tool for assessment INTASC 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 NBPTS 1, 2, 3, 4 ISTE/NETS 4 Communication Skills diversity advocacy use of technology INTASC 5, 6, 9, 10 NBPTS 4 ISTE/NETS 4, 5 Leadership (A research area that is becoming more prevalent and one this team believes to be very important.) Vision Member of learning community Decision-making; problem-solving persistence INTASC 9 NBPTS 6 21st Century Skills
The Model
Foundation Skills Technology Skills Communication Skills Collaboration Skills Evaluation Skills Communication skills, collaboration skills, technology skills, and evaluation skills are integrally embedded in all indicators of the professional teacher.
Critical Components Knowledge Base Pedagogy Leadership Personal Attributes “Good teachers are able to weave a complex web of connections among themselves, their subjects, and their students, so that students can learn to weave a world for themselves. “ The Courage to Teach, Parker J. Palmer
Knowledge Base The teacher understands learning theory, subject matter, curriculum development, and student development and knows how to use this knowledge in planning instruction to meet curriculum goals. Professional teachers engage in continual reflection and research to shape new knowledge and beliefs about content and learners. Teachers are knowledgeable of the needs and experiences children bring to the classroom, including those based on culture, community, ethnicity, economics, and linguistics.
Pedagogy An effective educator promotes learning and achievement toward high developmental expectations and standards for all students. Instructional emphasis is on active learning that employs a wide range of techniques, materials, and experiences that personalize learning for all students. Effective teachers rely on extensive pedagogical knowledge to make curricular decisions, select instructional strategies, develop instructional plans, and formulate assessment to measure student learning and progress.
Leadership Leadership results in a focus on continuous improvement for higher levels of student achievement. As leaders, teachers place the highest priority on academic excellence, demonstrating a solid knowledge base of effective teaching and learning strategies and the skills necessary to design instruction for continuous improvement of instructional practice. Teacher leaders work independently and collaboratively with colleagues and others to promote program quality and advance knowledge, policy, and practice in their field
Personal Attributes The effective teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his/her choices and action on others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally. Teachers practice equity and fairness, seeking and capitalizing on diversity and diverse perspectives. As advocates for students and their individual learning, the effective teacher demonstrates a personal vision of committed, confident learners and uses that vision to guide learning goals, expectations, and standards for student work.
The Feedback How might this model be used in your organization? How might the model be enhanced to better serve the needs of your organization? How might this model inform/guide statewide teacher quality efforts?
The Next Steps Provide additional feedback to Marlene at by June 30, 2004 Compile information received, make appropriate revisions, revision to meeting participants and bring to TDPT in the fall for finalization of the model Distribute the model via the EveryTeacher web site