CA Math & Science Partnership Grant (CaMSP) Partnership for Student Achievement
Executive Summary CaMSP: Program Goals: Deepen teachers’ content knowledge, 4th-5th science and 6th-8th math Strengthen teachers’ classroom practices Increase student achievement in math and science Provide networking, professional development and leadership opportunities Program Design (208+ hours): Content - Summer institutes, afterschool quarterly/monthly meetings Support - 1:1 coaching, collaborative lesson study process Program Accomplishments: Developed partnerships with UOP, SJCOE, Delta College, WestEd Served 76 total teachers over three years (adjunct pay grant-funded) Built capacity with four district coaches - 2 math, 2 science (3 grant-funded) Increased teachers content knowledge CST scores for students of participating teachers exceeded scores of control students
Goals of the Partnership Increase teachers’ science (4th and 5th) and math (6th-8th) content knowledge, based on the CA Science and Mathematics Content Standards. Strengthen teacher practice through embedded, collaborative, pedagogical opportunities inherent in research-based “best practices.”
Goals of the Partnership cont. Increase student understanding and achievement in math and science content and begin to close the achievement gap across the district’s diverse groups of students. Provide networking and professional development opportunities that ensure sustainability and build leadership capacity with the expertise and commitment of the district and partners.
The program begins in July 2005 with 58 teachers.
Local Partners 4 District Coaches (3 grant-funded) 2 Math and 2 Science John Coakley Project Director Randy Malandro Principal Investigator External Evaluator - Dr. Larry Guthrie 38 4th-5th Grade Teachers for Science 36 6th-8th Grade Teachers for Math
District Coaches Math and Science
Local Partners University of the Pacific San Joaquin Delta College San Joaquin County Office of Education WestEd/K12 Alliance
Garry Potten - SJCOE Dr. Dennis Parker - UOP
Program Design Intensive Content and Follow-up Summer Institutes , 2006, 2007 Monthly/Quarterly Meetings 1:1 Coaching (lesson demo, team teach, shadow) Lesson Study (Teaching Learning Collaborative) Afterschool Menu Options (Literacy, Writing, Misconception Analysis) Mini-Content Institute May 2008
Math teachers learn about ratios and proportions.
Collaboration is key to learning.
5th grade teachers learn about matter.
Science Cadre and 4th grade teachers
Assessment Tools Teachers Pre/Post Content Assessments (each summer) Implementation Surveys Evaluations at end of each meeting 1:1 Coaching Templates
Teacher Pre and Post Content Assessments
Assessment Tools Students Pre/Post Local Assessments with Treatment and Control Students CST Data Student work from classroom lessons (from coach visitations) Student work from collaborative Lesson Study experiences
Math - CST Student Achievement Data - 6th
Math - Local Assessment Student Achievement Data - 6th Pre/Post Local Assessment 6th Grade
Math 7th/8th Grade Performance at the middle grades was basically "flat”. The differences among the average scores of the 3 consistent participating teachers aren't enough to be meaningful. They stayed within the same performance level (3).
Science - CST Student Achievement Data 5th Grade Science CST Data
Science - Local Assessment Student Achievement Data 4th and 5th Grade Pre/Post District Benchmarks
What Teachers Said…. “Participation in this program has clearly caused me to review and look at the process of teaching mathematics effectively. My coach has challenged me to improve teaching techniques by asking probing questions/providing materials and explanations.” “I have learned more techniques to teach specific math ‘standards’ more conceptually and efficiently.” “I have more confidence in my own math skills and more enthusiasm for teaching in new ways. I am including more writing and discussion in my lessons.”
What Teachers Said… This is by far the best science content knowledge I’ve received at any workshop! I’m very excited to be a part of this program! Physical science has always been my weakest area – so I’m extremely thankful for this opportunity to learn from a real professor of science, and Jay Bell, a master teacher of science! The coaches are full of resources and have really helped me think more deeply about how I teach. I really enjoyed participating in the collaborative lesson study, too.
Thank you for your support!