E-Science Setting the Scene Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer
UCL Library Services Contents The concept of E-Science National developments in curation Stakeholder attitudes Copyright Issues Way Forward?
The concept of E-Science "The term "e-Science" denotes the systematic development of research methods that exploit advanced computational thinking" Professor Malcolm Atkinson, e-Science Envoy Such methods enable new research by giving researchers access to resources held on widely-dispersed computers as though they were on their own desktops. The resources can include data collections, very large-scale computing resources, scientific instruments and high performance visualization
National Developments in Curation Some countries taking a national lead –UK with the UK Research Data Service –Vision is that of a service which should fill the gaps in curation not covered by existing services –Startup funding from HEFCE and JISC –Funding model needed to support any sustainable service
Stakeholder attitudes The academic –Funded by research funds to undertake research –Collect data as part of their work –Project could be small science or big science –Is data curation part of the conditions of grant by the funder? –When researcher moves on to next research project, interest in the data from the first project can be lost because he/she is not funded to care for it any more
Stakeholder attitudes –Various lobbying and advocacy groups lobby for Open Data. How embedded is this advocacy in the academic community? ENCES – European Network for Copyright in support of Education and Science Launched November 2008 in Berlin;
Stakeholder attitudes The University –Is unlikely to know what primary data it has, who owns it, or where it is –Very few institutional policies will deal with the concept of digital preservation or digital curation –Will be concerned about extra costs to the institution which will be incurred by the long-term curation of data
Stakeholder attitudes External Funding Bodies –Example of the dissolution of the Arts and Humanities Data Service (UK) has set unhappy precedent –Need to be aware of the importance of data curation –Costing tools, such as the costing tool being developed in LIFE 3, will give predictive costs for digital curation –Is data curation a condition of grant in funder policies?
Stakeholder attitudes The Library –Primary data a new agenda for institutional libraries –Understands that digital curation is not the same as storage or backup –Could map what primary data is being stored in institutions JISC Data Audit Framework providing exemplar tool – ries2007/dataauditframework.aspxhttp:// ries2007/dataauditframework.aspx
Stakeholder attitudes –Can advocate that researchers create Digital Curation Plans to curate data, and help researchers compile these plans Approach being adopted by Monash University in Melbourne –Should/could create new posts of Data Curation Librarians to work with academics New skill sets required by people in these posts Approach being adopted by Monash University in Melbourne
Copyright issues There is no copyright in facts, but… –A lack of clarity exists about ownership of primary data –Publishers have been known to claim ownership of data included in research articles for publication –Are all academics happy for their data to be available and re-used? –What is the position of Funding Bodies? Do they claim ownership in primary data as a condition of funding?
Copyright issues Legislation, like the European Database Directive, has an impact –Copyright does exist in the construction and arrangement of data in databases –Is a way forward to get primary data included in the list of exceptions in national/international copyright legislation?
Way Forward? Stakeholder groups need to be identified Roles and responsibilities need to be agreed Road Map for joined up work across national boundaries needs to be established Arrangements for digital curation need to be in place –policies, funding, staff with required skill sets, curation facilities Copyright issues need clarification at an international level An agenda which will take at least a decade to deliver…