UCL Library Services and Research Data Management – a case study Martin Moyle UCL Library Services ODE Workshop, LIBER Conference, 27 June 2012
Overview 1.UCL Research Data Service 2.Library strengths 3.UCL Library Services’ role in supporting Research Data management at UCL
UCL Research IT Services (RITS) Designed to assist UCL researchers throughout the research lifecycle. Three units: Research Computing Research Applications Research Data –Petascale storage –Coordinated workflows –Protection, preservation, re-use –Compliance
UK Funders’ Data Policies DCC Overview of UK Funders’ Data Policies. See:
Relevant Library strengths Strong links with academic departments Successful preparation and communication of Publications Policy (includes OA mandate) and IPR Policy Digital curation experience and platforms Expertise in –Access management –Licensing and copyright –Metadata –Publishing, citation, publications management –Digital preservation policy and practice
Library’s role...
UCL Research Data Policy Authored by the Library A framework to help UCL researchers manage their data Policy explains basic steps associated with collecting, managing and storing data Researchers are responsible for managing own data Data management plans will often be required Recommends Open data licensing, wherever funding arrangements permit
Communication and support Research Data Policy has a Communication Plan, developed by Library and Research Data team Library staff will: –Advertise and explain the Data Policy to researchers –Provide guidance and support for researchers, especially in: Engaging with the UCL Research Data Service Best practice and preparation of Data Management Plans Metadata assignment Open data and IPR
Library-managed data curation services Smaller datasets, typically from Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines, are ineligible for the central UCL Research Data Service UCL Library Services is willing to curate small data sets as part of its ‘Digital Collections’ service Example...
Audio-visual material for language sciences
Data citation DOIs will help the re-use and verification of UCL data, and increase its impact Library will administer data DOIs, and give advice on data registration, re-use and citation –Library has interest/expertise in citation –Library has a culture of responsible stewardship –Library already plans to supply CrossRef DOIs for overlay journal articles, so this is an obvious extension
Summary: UCL Library Services’ role supporting UCL Research Data Service 1.Help to formulate the UCL Research Data Policy 2.Support the communication of the Policy 3.Assist researchers with data management plans, where required by funders, and other aspects of data management (licensing, metadata, etc) 4.Provide data curation services for small data sets 5.Administer and support dataset registration and citation
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