1 A sustainable UCL means a campus which: Support current business needs whilst allowing flexibility for future use with minimum intervention Minimise negative environmental impact and maximise positive impact Seek to minimise lifecycle costs in expenditure and carbon through efficient operation and intelligent design Are places where people want to, and are able to, work, interact and learn Are capable of adapting to future environmental and social impacts Whilst Representing UCL to its wider community Our vision
2 What is Ska? “SKA rating helps landlords and tenants assess fit-out projects against a set of sustainability good practice criteria. It is estimated that 11% of UK construction spending is on fit-outs and that buildings may have fit-outs during their lifecycle” RICS At UCL, we found that a lot of the projects we had were fit out
3 Bridging the gap BREEAM Ska Mini Ska / UCL SDS Ska is one of the tools used Tool should be appropriate to size of the project ‘Mini Ska’ takes the core elements of Ska for smaller projects which are not suited to a full assessment ‘Mini Ska Labs’ uses the same approach for S labs recommendations
4 Ska sessionNo of hoursParticipants Initial scoping meeting12 (6 x 2) Full design team + Ska Assessor (QS, Mech, Elec, Architect, PM) Interim review6 (6 x 1) Full design team + SA (Sustainability Advisor) Pre-tender review9 (6 x 1.5)Full design team + SA Sourcing of Ska compliant materials (approx.) 20Architect, M&E & Environment team Handover scoping7.5 (5 x 1.5)PM, SA & build team Pre-tender review6 (4 x 1.5)SA, M&E & Architect Desk top audit design6SA Supplier management for Ska compliant materials (approx.) 10Contractor Desk top audit handover6SA On-site audit/interim review4 (2 x 2)SA & contractor Total hours86.5 hours
5 Bridging the gap BREEAM Ska Mini Ska / UCL SDS At the moment, lab fit outs use both 2 assessments risks items being lost 2 processes to follow Needs to be an internal assessor OR 2 assessors
6 High efficiency lighting Absence detection for lighting including daylight saving and inter action with HVAC systems Low energy phase change HVAC systems Heat recovery on Air Handling Plant Low velocity fume cupboards Efficient HVAC systems Improvements to building fabric including secondary glazing and wall insulation The above measures have been calculated to save approximately 20% of the floors energy use and CO2 emissions. The CO2 emissions reduce from Kg CO2 per annum to 61965Kg CO2.
7 Lab refurbishment often involves non- lab spaces such as WCs Don’t apply the criteria to the lab area if there is a safety or business reason not to e.g. if blackout conditions are required for an experiment, don’t stick to the blinds VLT Materials sourcing may be difficult but it does not mean that we shouldn’t try Accept that you may not get to Ska Gold Ensure that the principles incorporated in the design are communicated to the users