REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre REFGOV Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest Integrated Project Multidisciplinary Project 29 partners Coordinator : The Centre for Philosophy of Law, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium Director: Professor Jacques Lenoble
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004 Object There are new mechanisms of governance to maximise the Public Interest. There are insufficiencies, what perception do actors have of these insufficiencies? Focus on emerging institutional mechanisms which seek to answer the insufficiencies. Identification - evaluation – institutional proposals. The project covers 5 material fields of research. It includes one theoretical unit and a cross-thematic seminar.
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004 Subnetworks and units Services of General Interest Global Public Services and Common Goods Institutional Frames for Markets Corporate Governance Fundamental Rights Theoretical Unit Cross-Thematic Seminar
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004 Subnetworks and units Services of General Interest –Energy –Health Care Global Common Public Services –Transformations of global public services in access to clean water, energy provision, environmental services –Elaboration of an empirical research protocol applied to the current « Sustainable Impact Assessment » in Europe
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004 Sub-networks and units Institutional Frames for Markets –Competitive mechanisms in network industries (energy) –Regulation of digital and information networks –Intellectual property rights Corporate Governance –Evolution of corporate governance codes –Effects of financialisation on employment and performance –Impact of governance codes on the enterprise –Corporate governance and interfirm networks
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004 Sub-networks and units Fundamental Rights –Fundamental social rights –Anti-discrimination law –Data protection –Criminal procedure Theoretical unit –Theoretical coherence Cross-Thematic Seminar –Integrative process
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004 Structure of the Project
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004 Consortium
REFGOV-CPDR/UCL-Novembre 2004
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