UCL LIBRARY SERVICES LERU Roadmap for Research Data Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer President of LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries)
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.Setting the standard – EPSRC policy 3.A university position? 4.LERU Roadmap 5.Text and Data Mining (TDM) 6.Conclusions 2
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Identifying the problem Outbreak of a severe gastro-intestinal infection in Hamburg in Germany in May 2011 This spread through several European countries and the US, affecting about 4000 people and resulting in over 50 deaths All tested positive for an unusual and little-known Shiga- toxin–producing E. coli bacterium Strain was analysed collaboratively in Hamburg and China 3 days later a genome was released under Open data licence 3
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Identifying the problem This generated interest from bioinformaticians on four continents 24 hours after the release of the genome it had been assembled Within a week two dozen reports had been filed on an open-source site dedicated to the analysis of the strain These analyses provided crucial information about the strain’s virulence and resistance genes – how it spreads and which antibiotics are effective against it They produced results in time to help contain the outbreak 4
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.Setting the standard – EPSRC policy 3.A university position? 4.LERU Roadmap 5.Text and Data Mining (TDM) 6.Conclusions 5
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Setting the standard EPSRC policy Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council framework.aspx framework.aspx Research Data Policy founded on 7 principles, especially: 1.Publicly-funded research data should generally be made as widely and freely available as possible in a timely and responsible manner 2.Research process should not be damaged by the inappropriate release of such data 6
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Setting the standard EPSRC policy I.EPSRC-funded research data is a public good produced in the public interest and should be made freely and openly available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner IV.EPSRC-funded researchers should be entitled to a limited period of privileged access to the data they collect to allow them to work on and publish their results. The length of this period will depend on the scientific discipline and the nature of the research V.Institutional and project specific data management policies and plans should be in accordance with relevant standards and community best practice and should exist for all data. Data with acknowledged long term value should be preserved and remain accessible and useable for future research 7
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Setting the standard Benefits Increasing the visibility of research and generating citations Protecting against use of faulty data by allowing published results to be independently verified, refuted or refined Stimulating new approaches to data collection and analysis Increasing awareness of research in related areas leading to more opportunities for collaboration Allowing re-use of data for research not foreseen by the initial investigators – this increases the efficiency of use of public funding by avoiding unnecessary duplication of data collection Facilitating education of new researchers and the wider public 8
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.Setting the standard – EPSRC policy 3.A university position? 4.LERU Roadmap 5.Text and Data Mining (TDM) 6.Conclusions 9
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES A university position? William Turner Valley of Aosta, Snowstorm, Avalanche and Thunderstorm Art Institute of Chicago 10
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES A university position? Policies in development Vice-Chancellors worry over costs Huge skills gap How is a culture of data sharing created? - Carrots or Stick? 11 Gustave Caillebotte Paris Street; Rainy Day Art Institute of Chicago
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.Setting the standard – EPSRC policy 3.A university position? 4.LERU Roadmap 5.Text and Data Mining (TDM) 6.Conclusions 12
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES LERU – League of European Research Universities Founded in 2002, LERU advocates: Education through an awareness of the frontiers of human understanding Creation of new knowledge through basic research, which is the ultimate source of innovation in society Promotion of research across a broad front in partnership with industry and society at large
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES LERU Roadmap In 2011, LERU produced a Roadmap Towards Open Access LERU has now set up a Working Group for Research Data 14
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES LERU Roadmap Contents 1.Policy and Leadership 2.Collection, Curation, Description, Citation and Legal issues 3.Technical infrastructures 4.Costs 5.Advocacy 6.Human Resource issues 15 Membership Paul Ayris (UCL, London) (chair) Pablo Achard (Geneva) Serge Fdida (UPMC, Paris) Stefan Gradman (KU Leuven) Wolfram Horstmann (Oxford) Ignasi Labastida (Barcelona) Liz Lyon (UKOLN, UK) Katrien Maes (LERU) Susan Reilly (LIBER) Anja Smit (Utrecht)
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.Setting the standard – EPSRC policy 3.A university position? 4.LERU Roadmap 5.Text and Data Mining (TDM) 6.Conclusions 16
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 5. Advocacy …can be self-defeating Is there a difference between data which is clearly a public good (e.g. health) and applied research data (e.g. defence)? What about privacy issues? Should embargoes apply to enable the data collector(s) to have priority in using the data they have collected? How will industrial/commercial support for university research be affected by Open Data? 17
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 6. Human Resource Issues LERU Roadmap should: Identify the skills needed for data management and re-use Identify roles and responsibilities in managing data, and of support departments such as the Library What are the HR issues in making data visible? What are the mechanisms to be used to make academics aware of the issues, as it affects them and their career progression? 18 Antonio Cavona Head of Medusa Art Institute of Chicago
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES New roles? The possible introduction of a Job profile for Data Scientists should be discussed, perhaps as a role embedded in research groups The changing role of libraries and a new role in this area: Advocacy for the benefits of data sharing and re-use Support for descriptive metadata Support academics in creation of data management plans Curate/preserve outputs of Small Science 19 Lucas Cranach the Elder Adam, Eve Art Institute of Chicago
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.Setting the standard – EPSRC policy 3.A university position? 4.LERU Roadmap 5.Text and Data Mining (TDM) 6.Conclusions 20
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Text and Data Mining (TDM) A early flashpoint 21
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Text and Data Mining EU Commission set up a Working Group on TDM, as part of Licences For Europe TDM is the process of deriving information from machine- readable material. It works by copying large quantities of material, extracting the data, and recombining it to identify patterns EU Working Group recommended licensing TDM as way forward, paying publishers to allow TDM in published journals 22 Santa Engrácia, Lisbon
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Components of TDM LIBER and academic stakeholders have withdrawn from Commission’s EU Working Group ‘To read is to mine’ Way forward is a Fair Dealing Exception in EU copyright legislation to allow TDM, not payment for new licences 23
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.Setting the standard – EPSRC policy 3.A university position? 4.LERU Roadmap 5.Text and Data Mining (TDM) 6.Conclusions 24
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Conclusions Data-driven science is an emerging paradigm as a research method Universities are beginning to engage with development … but are not yet clear what implications are LERU Roadmap designed to address: Policy issues Implementation issues Roles and responsibilities Result will be no storm, but the perfect circle…? 25 Double Helix DNA
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 26 Santa Engrácia, Lisbon