UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Travelling along the Open Road Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer President of LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries)
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.What is the problem? 2.European Research Area 3.What do academic researchers want? 4.How can the problem be fixed? 5.Potential membership of EU project 6.Possible Infrastructures 7.Next Steps and Issues 2
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 1. What Is the problem? 3
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES At a library level… Spiralling journal costs 4 Libraries cancel journal titles Raid monograph budgets to support STM and journal acquisition etacademicnewswire/ /periodicals_price_survey_2011_under.html.csp
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 2. European Research Area (ERA) 5
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 3. What do academic researchers want? Views from the UCL Publications Board Academic researchers in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences say: We all want to be published by Oxford/Cambridge University Press Future of research monograph publishing in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is in doubt Not clear what the future is Open Access has not made great impact in these areas in UCL Open Access research monographs Research colleagues would consider them What is role of peer review? Will they count for academic progression/ REF [Research Excellence Framework]? 7
4. How can the problem be fixed? Shared Gold Open Access publishing infrastructure? To mirror pan-European Green repository infrastructure Universities take on explicit role as publishers Based typically in University Libraries Academics would need to be confident of stature of Open Access publishing activity To ensure content is available for publication EU funding to develop shared infrastructure Would need Business Model to ensure long-term sustainability 9
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 5. Potential members of EU project Founding partners Amsterdam University Press OAPEN UCL (University College London) In discussion with Universities in: Further partners welcome – must be LIBER member to initiate 10 FinlandSpain GermanySweden NetherlandsUK
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 6. Possible Infrastructures 11
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Master Repository Publication Management Suite Institutional repository Authors Editorial boards APIs OAI-PMH etc DP support Public Catalogue Format transformer Secure delivery DOAB Other services Library plugin? Catalogues Finance Order management University Admin Orders plugin? Book Master XML Metadata OA Book PDF BPCs Subs Kindle Hard copy Other e- versions OA Book PDF On demand Orders plugin? Secure payment Requests Fulfilment Paid-for versions Technical Editorial Ordering plugin
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES 6. Next Steps and Issues Project management Company being appointed to write the EU bid Funding round being identified for bid Submission in first half of 2013? Founding partners Refining the Workflow and Infrastructure diagram Wider partnership Working with their academic communities to identify book series which will form the basis of the offering
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Issues What is a sustainable Business Model? Book Publication Charges, mirroring Article Publication Charges Funder payments? Membership model based around libraries? Will Open Access monograph publishing be popular with academics? Will Editorial Boards be sustainable and manage peer review? How will such monographs count for career progress / research evaluation
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Alignment with OA Policy? Finch Report Now published at Recommends that experiments in Gold OA monograph publishing continue
UCL LIBRARY SERVICES If you have been… Thanks for listening Happy to answer questions 16