Some template text and images for presentations on the Land / Atmosphere Data Assimilation project Bethan Harris Assimila Ltd
Project Summary This project will advance the state of the art in Earth Observation (EO) data assimilation in two specific areas – land surface processes and atmospheric composition. Interfacing Earth Observation Data with Atmosphere and Land Models
Project Overview Creating a comprehensive characterisation scheme for vegetation type is a longstanding problem in Earth system modelling. The myriad soil and vegetation types with their seasonal changes mean that quantifying the nature of the land surface at any particular point is hugely taxing. And taking sufficient detailed observations to verify any global scheme is an enormous undertaking.
Project Overview continued This project will build on the growing research in this area, first by advancing the latest vegetation and radiative transfer models and then by incorporating these into an updated version of the new Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System (EOLDAS) model. This will provide a cutting-edge surface data assimilation system for continuing research.
Project Overview continued The second area of research is in quantifying greenhouse gas emissions. Attempts to model such emissions suffer from similar difficulties as for vegetation modelling: changes in emissions are localised, vary with season, and are difficult to observe in sufficient detail so that the models can be verified. On top of this, the emissions of anthropogenic sources are hard to distinguish from the emissions of natural sources.
Project Overview continued The question of sufficient observations will be tackled first, as Observing System Simulation Tools will be developed, documented and made available to the wider community. Improvements to model performance will then be made to allow higher resolution runs, and two data assimilation techniques for distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions will be compared
Wordle of project summary
Wordle of project proposal
Project Structure Overview Interfacing EO data with Atmosphere and Land Models Task 1 Analysis Reading Task 2 Process model development Reading Task 3 EOLDAS Baseline UCL Task 4 Validation Reading Task 8 Outreach Reading Task 9 Management Assimila WP2.4 Microwave RT Modelling Reading WP2.3 Optical RT Modelling UCL WP2.2 Vegetation Structure UCL WP2.1 Dynamics Reading WP 1.3 Contributions and review for Atmosphere Edinburgh WP 1.2 Contributions and review for land Reading WP1.1 Analysis and Document preparation Assimila WP3.2 Integration of enhanced components UCL WP3.1 EOLDAS V1 Consolidation UCL WP4.3 Field Validation Reading WP4.2 Synthetic experiments UCL WP4.1 Data Management Reading WP8.3 capacity building workshop Reading+team members WP 8.2 Promotional material Reading+team members WP 8.1 Roadmap Reading+team members WP 9.2 Scientific management Reading WP 9.1 Project management Assimila Task 7 CO:CO2 Ratios Edinburgh Task 6 Hi-res Model Edinburgh Task 5 OSSE Tool Edinburgh WP5.1 Tool Development Edinburgh WP5.2 Visualisation tools Edinburgh WP6.1 Hi-res forward and inverse model for CO2 and CH4 Edinburgh WP7.1 Ensemble KF methods Edinburgh WP7.2 Variational Methods Leeds WP5.3 Documentation Edinburgh
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Images – “Data” Source: / Source: Required reference: “photo by widdowquinn on Flickr” Source: Source:
Images – “Observations” Source: Required Reference: “photo by NASA Goddard Photo and Video on Flickr” Source: Required reference: “photo by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center on Flickr” Source: Required Reference: “Copyright Thomas Nurgent ( Source: Required Reference: “photo by NASA Goddard Photo and Video on Flickr”
Images – “Models” Source: Required Reference: “photo by Argonne National Laboratory on Flickr” Required reference: “International Space Innovation Centre” Source: Required Reference: “photo by Erica_Marshall on Flickr” Source: Required Reference: “photo by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos on Flickr”