Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Something extra…..
EPQ What it is …. Self-directed and independent A substantial piece of work – NOT like a Year 9 project! Academic Enjoyable – if you choose the right topic for you A great qualification for HE or employment Something that requires persistence, planning, reading and analysis What it isn’t …. An easy alternative to an A level I am not doing well in A quick and painless route to some UCAS points An insurance in case I fail something Something I can just turn up to and be successful in Something I can try out and drop
“Cambridge is one of many universities which support extended projects as good preparation for degree-level study...” Cambridge University “If you offer an Extended Project, it will be taken into account. Your offer may be varied as a result, in recognition of the level of study skills you will have developed” Newcastle University “The skills that students develop through the Extended Project are excellent preparation for university-level study” Manchester University Current student feedback “I found it enlightening to explore my chosen topic in depth” “I enjoyed EPQ because it gave me the flexibility to work around my other subjects” “(I have learned) better analysis and interpretation of data” “speaking, presenting, writing skills (have been ) enhanced” “collecting information was interesting and I learnt new things”
Develop an academic topic: What impact has the growth in social networking sites had on individuals? How far have laws to help “untouchables” in India improved their life chances? Are serial killers born or made?..or create an artefact: A book of your own stories or poems An exhibition of your art work A website or blog Design and make a theatre costume etc
Skills and qualities improved Organisation and time management Independent research Project management Critical thinking and reading Writing a substantial report Evaluation and reflection Doing a presentation Taking charge of what and how I learn
What do I need to submit? A project outcome – could be a long research report, an artefact, an electronic product (blog, website, film) etc A report words long A log book A presentation
Is it graded and does it count? Yes, A* - E, with the same UCAS points as an AS level Universities may include it as part of a points offer, or may lower the offer on condition you complete a good project It provides excellent Personal Statement and interview material
Time scale Start June/July 2013 Complete by March 2014
Interested? 5 NEXT STEPS 1. Complete application form – give it some thought and detail 2. Discuss and get it signed off by Tutor 3. Submit application form – Julia Room Start planning, reading and thinking! 5. Keep checking Moodle for date and time of next session in June.
A bonus for UniGenius students who enrol on EPQ We have been offered 5 places on an EPQ course at UCL later this summer. This will be a great opportunity to work at UCL and make a good start on your Project. UniGenius students who are interested should register with me NOW.