Output analysis of AMR EU funding 5FP-6FP-7FP -Quantitative data- Coordinators of 117 AMR-related EU projects contacted, yielding 54 submissions Survey was open between August 1 and September 10, 2013 Questionnaire designed by SAB members Herman Goossens and Stephan Harbarth together with Arjon van Hengel (EC) and the JPIAMR secretariat
1. Yes36 (67%) 2. No18 (33%) Research Activities Has the project finished?
1. Basic research25 (46%) 2. Drug discovery/development of novel antibiotics 15 (28%) 3. Treatment of AMR infections5 (9%) 4. Prevention of AMR infections8 (15%) 5. Clinical trials (observational and intervention) 10 (19%) 6. Transmission dynamics6 (11%) 7. Diagnostic tools13 (24%) 8. Antibiotic resistance surveillance 11 (20%) 9. Environmental aspects (drug pollution, reservoir function, transfer etc) 2 (4%) 10. Other (e.g. Molecular studies of AMR bacteria, antibiotic stewardship, immunology, pathogenicity, animal models…) 11 (20%) Research Activities What was the main research activity of the project? OTHER "Prevention of healthcare-associated infections" "animal models" "molecular studies, pathogenicity" "Risk Assessment" "Evolution and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria and their resistance genes" "(Re)development of old antibiotics" "economics of resistance" "epidemiology, pathogenicity, virulence strategies of Streptococcus pneumoniae" "pathogenicity" "Molecular studies of AMR bacteria"
How many peer reviewed publications have resulted from the project? Research Activities Number of peer-reviewed publications (from 50 replies): TOTAL: 1784 AVERAGE:35,7 MEDIAN:20,5 MAXIMUM:176
1. Cooperation based on EU funding 25 (47%) 2. Cooperation based on national funding 4 (8%) 3. Cooperation without collaborative funding 2 (4%) 4. No previous cooperation16 (30%) 5. Other6 (11%) Research consortium Was/is the consortium, or a subset of it, a continuation of a previous cooperation? If yes, please indicate the kind of cooperation. If not applicable to your project, please specify "other" OTHER "Limited collaboration between some partners" "ERC young investigator award" "Collaboration within the ESDPP " "I sdo not understand the context of this questions"
1. Cooperation based on follow- up EU funding 17 (32%) 2. Cooperation based on national funding 7 (13%) 3. Cooperation without collaborative funding 15 (28%) 4. No continued cooperation5 (9%) 5. Other9 (17%) Research consortium Did/will the consortium, or a subset of it, continue to operate after the end of the project? If so, please indicate how. If not applicable to your project, please specify "other". OTHER "Not applicable" "not applicable" "Cooperation based on available funding" "N/A" "will be decided in 2015" "to early to say, but projects as a spin-off have already emerged." "no relevant program found" "Not finished"
How many new jobs (approximately) did your project generate (for early stage researchers (pre-doctoral level), post- doctoral research fellows or technicians)? (not including permanent personnel that were employed prior to the EU contract). Employment and career progression Number of new jobs (from 50 replies): TOTAL: 836 AVERAGE:16,72
1. Yes47 (92%) 2. No4 (8%) Employment and career progression Has the research work on this grant played a key role in any qualifications gained by the researchers involved in the project?
1. Yes39 (76%) 2. No12 (24%) Industrial partners Did your consortium include industrial partners? Number of industrial partners: TOTAL: 118 AVERAGE (if ”Yes”):3,03 AVERAGE for all 51 replies:2,31
1. Research28 (70%) 2. R&D service provider (e.g. technology development, GMP production) 26 (65%) 3. Training1 (2%) 4. Administration/Management5 (12%) 5. Communication/Dissemination 9 (22%) 6. Other2 (5%) Industrial partners If your consortium included industrial partners, please specify within what area they were involved. OTHER "3 hard working SMEs/2 Universities working somehow more relaxed" "Development of vaccine"