Tissue Types Integumentary System Homeostatic Mechanisms Body Systems Tissue Types Integumentary System Homeostatic Mechanisms
Four Major Tissue Types Connective: binds and supports body parts Muscular: allows movement Nervous: receives stimuli and conducts impulses Epithelial: covers body surfaces, lines body cavities
Three Components of Connective Tissue Specialized cells Protein Fibers collagen elastic fiber reticular fiber Ground Substance: Non-cellular material separating cells
Loose Fibrous Connective Tissue Contains fibroblast cells Matrix: ground substance + fibers Protective covering for muscles, blood vessels, nerves
Dense Fibrous Connective Tissue Collagen fibers packed together Forms Tendons: connect muscles to bone Ligaments: connect bone to bone
Fibrous Connective Tissue: Adipose Tissue nucleus Fig. 4.4c Cells store fat Found under skin, around kidneys, heart
Supportive Connective Tissue: Cartilage Solid, flexible matrix Cells located in chambers – lacunae Elastic cartilage --elastin fibers --more flexible --outer ear Fibrocartilage --strong collagen fibers --between vertebrae and in knee joint Hyaline cartilage --most common --contains fine collagen fibers --nose, ends of long bones and ribs, walls of respiratory passages
Supportive Connective Tissue: Bone Solid, rigid matrix of calcium salts around collagen fibers In compact bone, cells are located in spaces between rings of matrix Spongy bone Compact bone
Fluid Connective Tissue: Blood Liquid matrix = plasma dissolved substances, eg. gases, ions suspended substances, eg. proteins Formed elements: cells and cell fragments Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets Cell fragments that aid in blood clotting transport oxygen fight infection
Fluid Connective Tissue: Lymph Liquid matrix = lymphatic fluid Contains white blood cells
Applying Your Knowledge Adipose Tissue Blood Bone Dense Fibrous Connective Tissue Which type of tissue has a liquid matrix? Which type of tissue stores fat? Which type of tissue has a solid matrix of calcium salts?
Muscular Tissue Cells are called muscle fibers Cells contain protein filaments called actin and myosin Smooth Muscle Involuntary cell nucleus Skeletal Muscle Voluntary nucleus striation Cardiac Muscle Involuntary nucleus
Nervous Tissue Neurons- conduct nerve impulses Neuroglia- support and nourish neurons Receives signals from other neurons Maintains cell metabolism Conducts signals to next neuron Insulates neuron
Classification of Epithelial Tissue Cuboidal: cube-shaped cells Squamous: flattened cells Columnar: elongated cells Pseudostratified Columnar Simple = one layer Pseudostratified = appears as multiple layers Stratified = multiple layers
Other Terms Related to Epithelial Tissue Basement Membrane- joins epithelium to underlying connective tissue Gland- epithelial tissue that secretes a product mucus hormones
Applying Your Knowledge Nervous Tissue Epithelial Tissue Muscular Tissue Connective Tissue Which type of tissue includes cells in a solid matrix, as for cartilage? Which type of tissue covers body surfaces? Which type of tissue receives and transmits signals? Which tissue has cells with actin and myosin filaments?
Integumentary System: Skin and Accessory Organs Regions of the Skin Epidermis stratified squamous epithelium cells become hardened due to keratin continually replaced from basal layer melanocytes give pigmentation
Integumentary System: Skin and Accessory Organs Regions of the Skin Dermis dense fibrous connective tissue contains collagen and elastic fibers contains sensory receptors for touch, pressure, pain and temperature has blood vessels to nourish skin
Integumentary System: Skin and Accessory Organs Nails Hair follicles Oil glands Sweat glands
Integumentary System: Skin and Accessory Organs Functions Protects organs from physical trauma Protects body from infections Limits water loss Regulates temperature
Body Cavities Cranial cavity Vertebral canal Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity
Homeostatic Mechanisms Negative Feedback Ability to bring about a change in the opposite direction, leads to stability eg. temperature regulation Positive Feedback Rapid change in one direction eg. giving birth
Temperature Regulation Control center sends data to control center 98.6°F set point directs response to stimulus Sensor Effect Temperature Regulation Blood vessels dilate; sweat glands secrete. negative feedback and return to normal temperature stimulus above normal Normal body temperature below normal negative feedback and return to normal stimulus Effect Sensor Blood vessels constrict; sweat glands are inactive; shivering may occur. Control center directs response to stimulus sends data to control center 98.6°F set point
Body Systems Contributing to Temperature Regulation Integumentary System Sweat glands Circulatory System Dilation or Constriction of Blood vessels Nervous System Hypothalamus (regulatory center)
Applying Your Knowledge Dermis Epidermis Positive Feedback Negative Feedback Which is the outermost skin layer? (1 or 2) Which skin layer contains blood vessels? (1 or 2) Which mechanism controls blood glucose levels? (3 or 4) Which mechanism causes a fever to increase to higher temperatures? (3 or 4)