Lab 5 The Appendicular Skeleton, Fetal Skeleton & the Joints J.R. Schiller, Ph.D., G.R., Pitts, Ph.D., and A.L. Thompson, Ph.D.
Lab 5 Activities 1.The appendicular skeleton 2.The fetal skeleton 3.Joint models 4.Joint classifications (structural and functional) 5.Types of joints 6.Movements allowed at a joint
The Appendicular Skeleton (tan)
Appendicular Skeleton òThe bones appended to the axial skeleton: l Can be broken down into subgroups to facilitate learning: Pectoral girdle attaches upper appendages Upper appendage: arm, forearm, wrist, hand Pelvic girdle attaches lower appendages –Be able to distinguish male versus female –Especially important as relates to childbirth Lower appendage: thigh, leg, ankle, foot l Learn all bones and bone markings on the list on p.5-2 of the lab manual
Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb *
Male versus Female Pelves The angle of the pubic arch is key
Reflects larger pelvic inlet/outlet of female
Other sexual differences of Pelves Females have wide, broad greater sciatic notches, moderate to deep preauricular sulci, auricular surfaces in females exhibit moderate to pronounced elevation compared to same features of male pelve
Bones of the Right Foot Need know only talus and calcaneous of tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges
Arches of the Foot The Triple Arch Design greatly increases efficiency of Bipedal Locomotion.
Lab 6: The Fetal Skeleton and Articulations
The Fetal Skeleton The red areas represent the ossified parts of bones
The Fetal Skull Intramembranous ossification Sutures fuse after birth flexible to squeeze through pelvic outlet skull can expand to accommodate brain growth.
Classification of Joints Structural l Fibrous - bones joined by fibrous connective tissue; no joint cavity l Cartilaginous - bones joined by cartilage; no joint cavity l Synovial - bones separated by fluid filled cavity Functional l Synarthroses - non-movable l Amphiarthroses - slightly movable l Diarthroses - freely movable
Fibrous Joints Suture - wavy border with dense fibrous connective tissue which penetrates into both bone Syndesmosis - connected by a ligament Gomphosis - peg in a socket (teeth)
Cartilaginous Joints Synchondroses l hyaline cartilage l epiphyseal plate most limb bones l most ribs to sternum Symphyses l fibrocartilage l pelvis, vertebrae
Synovial Joints General Structure l articular cartilage l synovial (joint) cavity l articular capsule l synovial fluid l reinforcing ligaments l meniscus – (not illustrated) fibrocartilage pad, e.g., tempero-mandibular joint (TMJ) and tibio- femoral (knee) joint
Gliding (plane) joint Flat planes gliding over each other Intercarpal and intertarsal joints
Hinge Joints Cylindrical projection fits into a notch Ulna and humerus Tibia and femur Interphalangeal joints
Pivot Joints Rounded end of one bone protrudes into sleeve or ring of bone or ligaments Atlas (C1) and dens of the axis (C2) Proximal radio-ulnar joint
Condyloid Joints Rounded (convex) articulating surface of one bone fits into concave depression on the other bone Radio-carpal joints Metacarpal- phalangeal joints
Saddle Joints Each articular surface has both convex and concave areas Carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb
Ball and Socket Joints Spherical or hemispherical head of one bone articulates with cuplike socket Provides greatest rotational flexibility Shoulder Hip Special cases of a condyloid joint which is capable of circumduction
Know the Terminology for Types of Motions in Your Lab Guide Gliding Rotation Flexion/Extension Abduction/Adduction Circumduction Special Movements
Total Knee Replacement; ~$16,000