Chapter 14: Musculoskeletal System Medical terminology
Chapter 14 Abbreviations D.O. NSAID AKA BKA CR CRIF disl Fx ORIF Doctor of Osteopathy nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug above-knee amputation below-knee amputation closed reduction closed reduction internal fixation (fracture treatment) dislocation fracture open reduction internal fixation (surgical fracture treatment)
Chapter 14 Abbreviations MD OA RA C1, C2 L1, L2 LS T1, T2 EMG ROM muscular dystrophy osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis cervical vertebrae #1, 2, etc. lumbar vertebrae #1, 2, etc. lumbosacral thoracic vertebrae #1, 2, etc. electromyogram range of motion
Chapter 14 Abbreviations Ortho OT PT Ht Wt orthopedics occupation therapy physical therapy height weight
Musculoskeletal System Function Muscular System – movement, posture, joint stability, and heat production Skeletal System – provide a framework for the body, protect the soft body parts (i.e. brain), store calcium, and produce blood cells They work together protect, support, and move the body
Musculoskeletal System Bone Structure periosteum outermost layer of the bone, made up of fibrous tissue compact bone dense, hard layers of bone tissue that lie underneath the periostem cancellous (spongy) bone contains little spaces like a sponge and is encased in the layers of compact bone endosteum membranous lining of the hollow cavity of the bone
Musculoskeletal System diaphysis shaft of the long bones epiphysis end of each long bone bone marrow material found in the cavities of bones red marrow: thick, bloodlike material found in flat bones and the ends of long bones; location of blood cell formation yellow marrow: soft, fatty material found in the medullary cavity of long bones
Musculoskeletal System Bone Structure
Musculoskeletal System Skeletal Bones maxilla upper jawbone mandible lower jawbone vertebral column made up of bones called vertebrae (pl.) or vertebra (sing.) through which the spinal cord runs. protects the spinal cord, supports the head, and provides points of attachment for ribs and muscles
Musculoskeletal System cervical vertebrae (C1-C7) first set of 7 bones, forming the neck thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12) second set of 12 vertebrae. They articulate with the 12 pairs of ribs to form the outward curve of the spine lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) third set of five large vertebrae, which forms the inward curve of the spine sacrum next five vertebrae, which fuse together to form a triangular bone positioned between the two hip bones coccyx four vertebrae fused together to form the tailbone lamina (pl. laminae) part of the vertebral arch
Musculoskeletal System clavicle collarbone scapula should blade acromion process: extension of the scapula, which forms the high point of the shoulder sternum breastbone xiphoid process: lower potion of the sternum humerus upper arm bones
Musculoskeletal System ulna and radius lower arm bones olecranon process projection at the upper end of the ulna that forms the bony point of the elbow carpal bones wrist bones metacarpal bones hand bones phalanges (sing. phalanx) finger and toe bones
Musculoskeletal System pelvic bone, hip bone made up of three bones fused together ischium: lower, rear portion of which one sits ilium: upper, wing-shaped part of each side pubis: anterior portion of the pelvic bone acetabulum large socket in the pelvic bone for the head of the femur femur upper leg bone tibia and fibula lower leg bones
Musculoskeletal System patella(pl. patellae) kneecap tarsal bones ankle bones calcaneus heel bone metatarsal foot bones
Bones of the Body
Musculoskeletal System Joints (articulations) Hold bones together articular cartilage smooth layer of firm, fibrous tissue covering the contacting surface of joints meniscus crescent-shaped cartilage found in the knee intervertebral disk cartilaginous pad found between the vertebrae in the spine pubic symphysis cartilaginous joint at which two pubic bones come together
Musculoskeletal System synovia fluid secreted by the synovial membrane and found in joint cavities bursa (pl. bursae) fluid-filled sac that allows for easy movement of one part of a joint over another ligament flexible, tough band of fibrous connective tissue that attaches one bone to another at a joint tendon band of fibrous connective tissue that attches muscle to bone aponeurosis strong sheet of tissue that acts as a tendon to attach muscles to bones
Body Joints
Musculoskeletal System Muscles skeletal muscles (striated muscles) attached to bones by tendons and make body movement possible. Skeletal muscles produce action by pulling and by working in pairs. Voluntary muscles because we have control over them smooth muscles (unstriated muscles) located in internal organs such as the walls of blood vessels and the digestive tract. Involuntary muscles b/c they respond to impulses from the autonomic nerves and are not controlled voluntary
Musculoskeletal System cardiac muscle (myocardium) forms most of the wall of the heart. Its involuntary contraction produces the heartbeat
Muscles of the Body
Types of Muscle
Types of Body Movement Term Definition abduction adduction inversion eversion extension flexion pronation supination rotation moving away from the midline moving toward the midline turning inward turning outward mvmnt. in which a limb is placed in a straight position mvmnt. in which a limb is bent mvmnt. that turns the palm down mvmnt. that turns the palm up turning around its own axis
Word Parts for the Musculoskeletal System Combining Form Definition carp/o clavic/o, clavicul/o cost/o crani/o femor/o fibul/o humer/o ili/o ischi/o lumbo carpals (wrist bones) clavicle (collarbone) rib cranium (skull) femur (upper leg bone) [note: u o] fibula (lower leg bone) (also perone/o) humerus (upper arm bone) ilium ischium loin, lumbar region of the spine
Word Parts for the Musculoskeletal System Combining Form Definition mandibul/o maxill/o patell/o pelv/i, pelv/o phalang/o pub/o rachi/o radi/o sacr/o scapul/o mandible (lower jawbone) maxilla (upper jawbone) patella (kneecap) pelvis, pelvic bone phalanges pubis spine, vertebral column radius (lower arm bone) sacrum scapula (shoulder blade)
Word Parts for the Musculoskeletal System Combining Form Definition spondyl/o, vertebr/o stern/o tars/o tibi/o uln/o vertebra sternum (breastbone) tarsals (ankle bones) tibia (lower leg bone) ulna (lower arm bone)
Word Parts for Joints Combining Form Definition aponeur/o arthr/o burs/o chondr/o disk/o menisc/o synovi/o ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o aponeurosis joint bursa (cavity) cartilage intervertebral disk meniscus (crescent) synovia, synovial membrane tendon
Word Parts commonly used with Musculoskeletal Combining Form Definition ankyl/o kinesi/o lamin/o lord/o myel/o my/o, myos/o oste/o crooked, stiff, bent movement, motion lamina (thin, flat plate or layer) bent forward (increased concavity) bone marrow muscle bone
Word Parts for the Musculoskeletal System Prefix Definition inter- supra- sym-, syn- between above together, joined Suffix Definition -asthenia -clasia, -clasis -desis -physis -schisis weakness break surgical fixation, fusion growth split, fissure
Med Terms (from word parts) [Disease and Disorders] Definition ankylosis arthritis bursitis chondromalacia cranioschisis diskitis fibromyalgia kyphosis lordosis maxillitis
Med Terms (from word parts) [Disease and Disorders] Definition meniscitis myasthenia osteitis osteoarthritis osteochondritis osteofibriboma osteomalacia osteomyelitis osteopenia osteosarcoma
Med Terms (from word parts) [Disease and Disorders] Definition polymyositis rachischisis rhabdomyolysis scoliosis spondylarthritis spondylosis synoviosarcoma tendinitis tenosynovitis
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Disease and Disorders] Definition bunion carpal tunnel syndrome exostosis abnormal prominence of the joint at the base of the great toe. Common problem, often hereditary or caused by poorly fitted shoes (hallux valgus) a common nerve entrapment disorder of the wrist caused by compression of the median nerve. Symptoms include pain and paresthesia in portions of the hand and figures abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone (spur)
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Disease and Disorders] Definition fracture gout herniated disk broken bone disease in which an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood causes sodium urate crystals to be deposited in the joints, especially the great toe, producing arthritis rupture of the intervertebral disk cartilage, which allows the contents to protrude through it, putting pressure on the spinal nerve roots also called slipped disk, ruptured disk, herniated intervertebral disk, or herniated nucleus pulposus
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Disease and Disorders] Definition Lyme disease an infection caused by a bacteria carried by deer ticks and transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick. Symptoms, caused by the body’s immune response to the bacteria, vary and may include a rash at the site of the tick bite and flulike symptoms such as fever, headache, joint pain, and fatigue First reported in Lyme, Conn., in 1975. The primary treatment is antibiotics. Left untreated, Lyme disease can mimic several other musculoskeletal diseases
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Disease and Disorders] Definition osteoporosis abnormal loss of bone density that may lead to an increase in fractures of the ribs, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, hips, and wrists after slight trauma (occurs predominantly in postmenopausal women)
Med Terms (from word parts) [Surgical Terms] Definition aponeurorrhaphy arthrocentesis arthroclasia arthrodesis arthroplasty bursectomy carpectomy chondrectomy chondroplasty costectomy
Med Terms (from word parts) [Surgical Terms] Definition cranioplasty craniotomy diskectomy laminectomy maxillectomy meniscectomy myorrhphy ostectomy osteoclasis patellectomy
Med Terms (from word parts) [Surgical Terms] Definition phalangectomy rachiotomy spondylosyndesis synovectomy tarsectomy tenomyoplasty tenorrhaphy vertebroplasty
Med Terms (from word parts) [Diagnostic Terms] Definition DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING arthrography ENDOSCOPY arthroscopy OTHER electromyogram
Med Terms (from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition arthralgia atrophy bradykinesia carpal clavicular cranial dyskinesia dystrophy femoral humeral
Med Terms (from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition hyperkinesia hypertrophy iliofemoral intercostal intervertebral intracranial ischiofibular ischiopubic lumbar lumbocostal
Med Terms (from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition lumbosacral osteoblast osteocyte osteonecrosis pelvic pelvisacral pubic pubofemoral radial sacral
Med Terms (from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition sternoclavicular sternoid subcostal submandibular submaxillary subscapular substernal suprapatellar suprascapular
Med Terms (from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition symphysis tibial ulnoradial vertebrocostal
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition podiatrist chiropractic chiropractor crepitus specialist in treating and diagnosing diseases and disorders of the foot, including medical and surgical treatment system of treatment that consists of manipulation of the vertebral column specialist in chiropractic the crackling sound heard when two bones rub against each other or grating caused by the rubbing together of dry surfaces of a joint (crepitation)
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition orthopedics orthopedist orthotics orthotist branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system physician who specializes in orthopedics making and fitting of orthopedic appliances, such as arch supports, used to support, align, prevent or correct deformities a person who specializes in orthotics
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition osteoclast osteopath osteopathy type of bone cell involved in absorption and removal of bone minerals. It works in balance with osteoblasts to maintain healthy bone tissue physician who specializes in osteopathy system of medicine that uses the usual forms of diagnosis and treatment but places greater emphasis on the role of the relation between body organs and the musculoskeletal system; manipulation may be used in addition to other treatments
Med Terms (not from word parts) [Complementary Terms] Definition prosthesis (pl. prostheses) an artificial substitute for a missing body part such as a leg, eye, or total hip replacement