Gynecomastia Slide presentation & music composition by: Dr. Seyed Reza Samsamshariat
Gynaecomastia means enlargement of the male breast
There is increase of ductal structures and periductal stroma. If the condition lasts for longer than a year the stroma becomes fibrous.
Other conditions causing male breast swelling like gynecomastia CarcinomaLipomaNeurofibroma
NeonatalPubertyEldery Ages in which gynecomastia is common (physiologic gynecomastia)
Pathophysiology of the gynocomastia Unknown Decreased ratio of androgen to oesterogen Hypersensitivity of the breast to hormones
70% of the male neonates have some breast enlargement. Because hCG stimulates testis to produce estrogen.
Pubertal gynecomastia Gynecomastia Accompa- nied by prolactin raise Raise in oesteradiol
Treatment of the pubertal gynecomastia Mild gynecomastia Usually regresses Moderate to marked degrees persists Treated with tamoxifen Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery of the gynecomastia _07.asp&usg=__EUMRQejRqMy6SFUewtoFE0ztpHY=&h=203&w=225&sz=14&hl=en&start=18&zoom=1&tbnid=5HrSLIgsxKh70M:&tbnh=142&tbnw=157&ei=yfnLTZbdMpKq8APl4tmhBA &prev=/search%3Fq%3Dgynecomastia%2Bsurgery%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1272%26bih%3D619%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C432&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=160&vpy=342&dur=57&hov h=162&hovw=180&tx=118&ty=85&page=2&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:18&biw=1272&bih=619
Differential diagnosis of the physiologic pubertal gynecomastia Side effect of some of the drugs Testicular tumors
Gynecomastia is associated with Hormone imbalances Loss of libido Flashing
Liver diseaseDrug ingestion Bronchogenic carcinoma
Testicular disorders causing gynecomastia Klinefelter’s syndrome Hypogonadism Leydig cell tumor Choriocarcinoma Tumors Mump Leprosy Infections (rarely)
5% of the hyperthyroid males have gynecomastia HyperthyroidismAffects liver Excess conversion of androgen to estrogen Gynecomastia
The adrenal diseases which cause gynecomastia Adrenocortical carcinoma Adenoma
Findings in adrenocortical carcinoma Testicles small azospermia Hypoplasia of the Leydig cells Gonadotrophin level Suppressed Estrogen may be raised In plasmaIn urine
Pituitary tumors with gynecomastia Acidophil tumors Chromophobe tumors
Mechanism by which pituitary tumors cause gynecomastia Prolactin secretion Gonadotropin supression
May give rise to precocious puberty & Gynecomastia Hypothalamic disorders
Disorders of sex differentiation Male _pseudohermaphroditism = Testicular feminization syndrome
Gynecomastia in liver dysfunction Decline in testosterone production Increased conversion of androgen to estrogen Increased sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
Neurological disorders causing gynecomastia Traumatic paraplegia Dystrophia myotonica Fredreich’s ataxia Syringomyelia
Respiratory disorders with gynecomastia Carcinoma of the bronchus Produces hCG like hormone Chronic suppurative lung disease
Renal failureNeoplasiaCongestive cardiac failureTuberculosiscirrhosisdiabetes Gynecomastia may occur in chronic debilitating diseases
Many drugs may cause gynecomastia ( see the next slide). Drugs
Some of the drugs which’s side effect is gynecomastia
1-Hart. F Dudley. French’s index of differential dignosis. 12 th Edition. wright Bristol Websites mentioned in the slides. References: