Anti-Bullying DMM Presented by Jan Sargeant (Hillingdon Behaviour Support Team)
Why address bullying? Among top concerns Undermines confidence and self-esteem Impacts on attendance and attainment Lifelong impact Leads to ‘dramatic’ coping strategies
What is bullying? ‘behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally’ (Safe to Learn: Embedding anti-bullying work in schools) Bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour, usually repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for the victims to defend themselves (London Safeguarding Children Board, 2007)
Relational Conflict vs. Bullying Happens Occasionally Accidental Equal power Remorseful Effort to solve problem Repeated hurtful behaviour Deliberate Imbalance of power No remorse No effort to solve problem
The law and guidance Stay safe Enjoy and achieve 1) Every Child Matters: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being 2) Safeguarding Children in Education – Sept 2004 3) Working Together to Safeguard Children (11.58-11.62) schools have a duty of care - both inside and outside school 4) OFSTED – Increasingly inspecting safeguarding (including ICT). 4b the extent to which learners adopt safe and responsible practices in using new technologies, including the Internet. 5) Education & Inspections Act (2006) Headteachers must introduce measures to prevent all forms of bullying among pupils.
Types of Bullying Physical abuse Emotional abuse Verbal abuse Cyber
When might children get bullied? Whenever children spend time together e.g. Schools, detention centres, children’s homes. Within families, particularly when there is a child with special educational needs.
Who gets bullied? Anyone can be a victim of bullying, however some groups are more vulnerable than others.
What is prejudicial bullying? Racial Religious Homophobic Special needs/disabilities Difference and diversity
Racism/Religion/culture Definition The term racist bullying refers to a range of hurtful behaviour, both physical and psychological, that makes people feel unwelcome, marginalised, excluded, powerless or worthless because of their colour, ethnicity, culture, faith community, national origin or national status.
Homophobic Bullying Consideration to: What is homophobic Bullying? Why should schools do anything about it? How to recognise homophobic bullying Responding to homophobic language Prevention
Special Needs/disabilities Further points for consideration: Negative attitudes to disability Negative perceptions of difference Greater difficulty in resisting bullies because of SEN disability Increased Isolation Difficulty in understanding that what is happening is bullying Problems telling people about bullying
Difference/diversity Legislation relating to equality and diversity covers issues in relation to: Gender Age Race Disability Religion or belief Sexual orientation Gender reassignment
Preventative work Schools and provision outside schools should develop a tolerant ethos Publicly advocate intolerance to bullying Challenge inappropriate language Provide opportunities to talk and report Monitor and publicise sanctions
Dealing with incidents Record incidents Stay emotionally detached Gather additional information Tell all involved what you are going to do Share information with appropriate agencies/adults (nominated safeguarding children adviser) Make separate referrals for the victim and abuser Monitor the situation