The environmental impacts of renewable energy Prof. Luigi Toro Sapienza University of Rome Dept. Of Chemistry
Zero–impact illusion Every type of energy utilization for electricity generation has environmental consequences, including renewable energies manufacture processes aesthetic impact use of large areas of land impact on the eco-system
Issues to be addressed in the EU-MENA energy project Manufacture processes - 1 Due to the large size of the systems involved, manufacture, installation, maintenance and ultimately disposition of all the system components are to be optimised and subjected to an LCA analysis. Each of these processes require some energy input, which might significantly reduce the overall energy balance. ACTIONS REQUIRED: a) Development of rigorous process and activities integration b) Rigorous and quantitative LCA analysis
Manufacture processes - 2 Should photovoltaic cells be considered, the hazardous materials contained in them (arsenic and cadmium) can pose a serious problem in areas subject to dust abrasion, such as deserts. Even silicon dust might pose a health problem. ACTIONS REQUIRED: a) Study of the rates of removal of hazardous materials from atmospheric agents b) Development of reliable regional models for the atmospheric dispersion and dry and wet settling of particulates generated from solar modules Issues to be addressed in the EU-MENA energy project
Aesthetic impact - 1 The construction of wind turbines towers may reduce property values and natural amenities, damaging or preventing the development of tourist resort in both South European and North African coastlines The construction of wind turbines towers may reduce property values and natural amenities, damaging or preventing the development of tourist resort in both South European and North African coastlines. ACTION REQUIRED: a) Contingent analysis to identify the locations suitable for the construction of wind turbine towers Issues to be addressed in the EU-MENA energy project
Aesthetic impact - 2 The construction of overhead transmission lines and other facilities of a HVDC grid (pylons and transmission towers) in scenic areas (i.e. across the Alps) can run into the strong opposition of local communities. This may require the underground siting of additional energy infrastructure elements. (This is already part of the plan for the upgrading of the electricity grid in Piedmont) ACTIONS REQUIRED: a) Consider tunneling and micro tunneling, using the technology borrowed from oil field exploration b) Consider the simultaneous underground of additional facilities (pipelines, captured CO2 ducts, etc.) to reduce costs. Issues to be addressed in the EU-MENA energy project
Use of land While wind power does not pose any significant problem, solar energy does, unless on worthless soil (deserts). The use of energy crops sent prices soaring and created the 3F-conflict (Food - Feed - Fuel). ACTIONS REQUIRED: a) Use wastes, refuses and lignocellulosic products or energy crops harvested in off-years b) Optimise the production of electricity, fuels and chemicals in integrated biorefineries Issues to be addressed in the EU-MENA energy project
Impact on ecosystems The major impact reported for wind towers is bird deaths from electrocution or collisions with spinning rotors. Large extensions of concentrating solar systems might disturb migratory birds. ACTION REQUIRED: a) Identify areas which are not included in migratory paths Issues to be addressed in the EU-MENA energy project
Conclusions A quantitative analysis of the overall environmental impact of the EU-MENA energy project has not been carried out in detail yet. A number of actions have been identified for inclusion in a comprehensive environmental feasibility study