Sue Transforming courses by engaging students in their learning Sue Rigby, Vice Principal Learning and Teaching, University of Edinburgh
Sue 1.Teaching is easy…… 2.What employers want 3.HEAR and the co-curriculum 4.The Edinburgh Award 5.Innovative Learning Week 6.Changing the curriculum – a paradigm shift?
Sue Teaching is easy…. but pursuading students to learn is harder Model 1: Lectures, practicum, closed book exam Model 2: Individual development of skills and expertise, timely and stretching
Sue What employers want
8 GPA’s are worthless as a criteria for hiring, and test scores are also worthless…we found they don’t predict anything Five attributes – Learning ability Leadership Intellectual humility Ownership/responsibility (Coding)
Sue What we provide
formal curriculum learning into the wider world student learning beyond the curriculum 11 Formal curriculum = degree classification What about the rest?m – what employers
Sue HEAR and the co-curriculum
Sue The Edinburgh Award
Learning & Teaching Beyond the Formal Curriculum, Court, 2nd July
Sue Innovative Learning Week and the innovation pipeline…… (but…participation in year 1 43%, participation in year 2 59%)
Learning & Teaching Beyond the Formal Curriculum, Court, 2nd July
Learning & Teaching Beyond the Formal Curriculum, Court, 2nd July Innovative Learning Week
Sue Changing the curriculum – a paradigm shift?
Sue The paradigm shift What do we teach when knowledge is ubiquitous? The University response – Parity of esteem of teaching and learning with research
Sue What can we teach?
Sue What can we enable students to learn? Five attributes – Learning ability Leadership Intellectual humility Ownership/responsibility (Coding)
Peer Assisted learning
Learning & Teaching Beyond the Formal Curriculum, Court, 2nd July
Learning & Teaching Beyond the Formal Curriculum, Court, 2nd July
Learning and teaching in A portfolio approach for an unpredictable future – making the most of the Scottish degree 2.Giving students agency to create their own learning – students at the centre, not degree programmes 3.Extend learning beyond the traditional knowledge-centred course – eg international experience, service learning, self-defined projects, entrepreneurship 4.Every student a researcher or practitioner - joined at the hip to a research group from year 1, offered a higher degree place on attainment of a good degree 5.Course design for 21 st century learners – appropriate use of technology and student centred learning 6.Focus on multiple learning styles and learning for life – at least one online course taken by all students, explicit reflection on learning style and capacity