The Great Depression Began when the stock market crashed in October 1929 Many people used credit to invest, and the companies invested in were worthless
Many companies went out of business, and by 1933, one out of every four people in America had lost his or her job
When investors started to wise up, lots of people sold stock quickly, the prices went down fast, and almost everybody lost money
It wasn't until World War II started that the U.S. and world economies straightened out.
Negro shack in Beaufort, SC Negro shack in Beaufort, SC
Negro lady living in Beaufort, SC Negro lady living in Beaufort, SC
House in St. Helena, SC - House in St. Helena, SC - Paid taxes with oranges grown on farm Paid taxes with oranges grown on farm
Cook of a fishing boat in Charleston, SC - Cook of a fishing boat in Charleston, SC - Peeling potatoes on Christmas Day Peeling potatoes on Christmas Day
Children working on the farm Children working on the farm
Son of sharecropper family at work in the cotton near Chesnee, South Carolina
Poster for FREE adult educational classes
Timeline 1920’s and 1930’s Times Leading to The Great Depression During The Great Depression The Great Depression Coming To An End
1920 The economy is growing fast. Banks lend money for individuals to buy stocks. Banks lend money for risky land development.
1929 The Stock Market crashes. Farm prices fall. Less steel is produced. The start of the Great Depression.
1932 Many banks close. People begin to take their money out of banks. Unemployment is 25% (high). Stocks lose value. Federal Home Loan Bank Act of Creates the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Creates the Federal Home Loan Banks.
1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt temporarily closes all banks. Many more banks fail. Banking Act of Establishes the FDIC as a temporary corporation. Gives the FDIC authority to regulate and supervise some banks. Gives the FDIC authority to provide deposit insurance to banks. Does not allow banks to sell securities.
1934 National Housing Act of Creates the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC).
1935 Banking Act of Makes the FDIC a permanent independent corporation. Provides permanent deposit insurance. Federal Credit Union Act of Creates Federal Credit Unions.
1939 Banks become more profitable. Fewer banks fail.
The Time They All Waited For… To Get On With Their Lives The Depression Comes To An End…