Too lenient! Too harsh! Likely to annoy Germany!
Clemenceau liked the harsh things that were in the Treaty: 1. Reparations (would repair the damage to France) 2. The tiny German army (would prevent Germany from attacking France) 3. The de-militarised zone in the Rhineland (would protect France by creating a buffer) 4. France got Alsace-Lorraine But he was disappointed with the Treaty: a. He wanted the Treaty to be harsher b. He wanted Germany to be split up into smaller countries.
George liked: 1. The fact that Britain got some German colonies (expanded the British Empire), 2. The small German navy (helped Britain to continue to 'rule the waves'). But Lloyd George was disappointed with the Treaty: a. He thought that the Treaty was far too harsh and would ruin Germany b. He thought it would cause another war in 25 years time
Wilson liked the: 1. A League of Nations, 2. Self-determination for the peoples of Eastern Europe But he was disappointed with the Treaty: a. Some of his ‘Fourteen Points’ did not get into the Treaty, b. When Wilson went back to America, the Senate refused to join the League of Nations, and even refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles.
Versailles became known as a “dictated peace”, or “diktat”. Some Germans wanted to go back to war instead of signing the treaty. The German government actually resigned, but an alternative could not be found, so they returned. The German navy scuttled (sank) their ships rather than hand them over to the Allies. The German nation could simply not afford to pay the reparations. In real terms, Germany had lost: 10% of all its land. All its overseas colonies. One in every eight Germans was now a different nationality. Much of its heavy industry – this would make recovery more difficult.
In 1922 the German government made their first reparations payment. They could only just about afford it. But in 1923 the inevitable happened – Germany defaulted on the repayments (was unable to pay). The French and Belgians invaded the Ruhr, in western Germany, to take goods to the value of what they were owed. Under Versailles, this was completely legal.
In order to pay the Allies what they had to, the German government decided to print more money. German stores put up their prices as everyone had more money. So the government printed more. So the prices went up again. This process happens all the time, in most countries, and is known as “inflation”. But in Germany, it happened very quickly, rather than very gradually. It was known as “hyperinflation”. The German currency became worthless as there was so much of it.
Eat these whilst you do your history prep Nom Nom Nom
A)What were the military restrictions placed on Germany at the Treaty of Versailles? (4 marks) B)Explain why the Allies disagreed over the punishment of Germany after the First World War. ( 6 marks) C)‘The most important reason why Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles was the loss of territory.’ Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (10 marks)