Section One : Main Issues Section Two : Developing Resilience
Demographics No1550 Age Male53%48% Female47%46% Trans06% BME014% Disabled014% Working Class67%62% Lesbian33%22% Gay47%38% Bisexual0%30% Questioning/Not label20%10%
Where from? Halifax67%44% Small towns27%28% Rural0%20% Outside Calderdale6%8%
1. Coming Out Age Identified First Told Gap Positive Response87%54%
2. Parental Acceptance Out to Parents93%88% Positive Parents86%29%
3. Isolation Positive Information at School 13%18%
“ Nowhere, keep to self, hard to find gay people, didn ’ t know anyone until I came to GALYIC ” “ Wouldn ’ t ” “ Pub ” “ Don ’ t think I would ” “ Inside my head ” “ In a pub, university gay society or gay scene ” “ Would probably be out drinking ” “ Probably wouldn ’ t ” “ Don ’ t think I would have, hard to come out at my school ” “ Would top myself ” “ Don ’ t know, don ’ t think I would have met them. Internet? ” “ No idea ” “ Don ’ t know a safe place ”
4. School Knew about sexuality80%92% Experienced homophobic abuse67%76% Witnessed homophobic abuse80%74% Supportive Teacher7%73% Truanted/Dropped out13%28%
5. Homophobic Hate Incidents HHI60%68%
6. Homelessness Homeless27%26%
7. Substance Use Tobacco40%46% Alcohol33%58% Drugs33%44%
8. Sexual Vulnerability Rape27%24% Sexual Abuse20%32% Not Practise Safer Sex when drunk 47%54%
9. Mental Health Depression82%72% Anxiety67%56% Suicidal Thoughts80%72% Suicide Attempts13%56% Self Harm40%74% Phobias13%20% Eating Disorder20%8%
GALYIC 2008 N50 % C/Dale 1998 N15 % NIreland 2003 N362 % Scotland 2003 N95 % Reading 2000 N169 % London 2005 N100 % Brighton 2006 N43 % NIreland 2006 N190 % Suicidal Thoughts Suicide Attempts Self Harm
10. Integrated Services Include LGBT youth amongst client group 36 Out to GP53%34%
1.Little change: 1.still isolated, 2.still bullying at school and on streets, 3.still homelessness 4.Still substance misuse, 5.still rape and sexual abuse, 6.still little information at school, although appears to be more individual support from teachers, 7.still few services responding to needs 2.Four significant differences: 1.Coming out at younger ages 2.Experiencing more parental rejection 3.Higher levels of self-harm 4.Higher levels of attempted suicide.
100% helped develop positive identity 96% helped develop confidence 96% felt less isolated as a young LGBT person 81% less depressed 83% less suicidal 79% less self-harm 75% phobia better 76% of those interviewed with the IMP questionnaire said that they were more likely to practise safer sex as a result of being in touch with GALYIC.
11. Reduced VulnerabilitiesEver?Recent? Felt so Nervous60%32% Wished Dead78%36% Worthless80%54% Hopeless82%46%
12. Rosenberg Self Esteem1 st AccessIMP 100% % %16.44dropped
“ GALYIC is a great safe space for young people, providing activities and possibilities for young people which they couldn ’ t access anywhere else. This is a good thing! It also does a lot in Calderdale and nationally, if there is a mark of how successful GALYIC is and what a valuable service it provides it is visible in how many people owe it so much, the changes it has brought and the people who simply wouldn ’ t be here without it. ” Member, 2008