Virtue Theory Presentation prepared by Jamie, Jenny, Macy, and Joe. LP: Ethical Theories Presentation Section: Monday, 1:30pm March 24, 2008
The Virtue Approach: Focuses on the attitudes, dispositions or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop our human potential. Also it assumes that there are certain ideals toward which we should strive, which provide for the full development of our humanity. Ideals of virtue ethics: ex: excellence or dedication
Virtues are attitudes or character traits that enable us to be and to act in ways that develop our highest potential.
The virtue approach urges us to pay attention to the contours of our communities and the habits of character they encourage and inspire.
Contributors of Virtue Ethics Elisabeth Anscombe Alisdair MacIntyre
Anscombe Criticized modern moral philosophy's pre-occupation with obligation and duty. Took inspiration from Aristotle’s Nichmachean Ethics Called for a return to concepts such as character and virtue Emphasized importance of emotions Philosophers define Virtue Ethics as what it is not How it differs and avoids mistakes made in other theories.
MacIntyre Attempts to give an account of virtue. By looking at several historical accounts. Shows conflicting virtues from these accounts. Each account requires knowledge of when it occurred. Thus, in order to understand Homeric virtue you need to look at its social role in Greek society.
Criticism of Virtue “Any theory must be rooted in history.” What has all ready been treasure we need to consult and revalue constantly. Any worthwhile theory will have to serve us a a guide among the buildings of the past illuminate our preferences. But also show us how to value past achievements against each other, and how to distinguish dross from what is of value.
Criticism of Virtue “Discrimination.” The very little title of critic we have assumed looks back to the act of winnowing, of separating the grain from the worthless chaff that the wind will blow away.
Criticism of Virtue “Desire.” Desire, even love, are therefore the key to criticism. We look back at the past, even the most recent past and we examine. Interpret and recommend the things we love to our audience.
History in Desire of Virtue There is no history without love and hate. History is the second element that drives our activity. We form our theories in the light of what we have learned from the past, and judge the past by the light of our theories. Speak to us about the relation between the building and its in the building and its environment, the internal structure of the building-both physical and formal.
Application to Animal Experimentation
Animal Experimentation - Animal activists may argue that animal experimentation does not save human lives - Humans and animals are not similar on a molecular and cellular level - Medications being developed from animal testing are turning out to harm and kill thousands of humans
Applying Virtue Ethics - The fundamental question of virtue ethics is “What kind of person should I be?” instead of “What should I do?” - Dedication to the common good is an ideal in virtue ethics - Fairness, compassion, and generosity are examples of virtues - So a person who has virtue ethics may be oppose animal experimentation
Q&A Time!!! How are ideals discovered? Give three examples of virtues and how we use them in life. Who was the original founder of virtue ethics? Why would someone with virtue ethics appose animal testing.
References: /decision/approach.html /decision/approach.html /decision/thinking.html /decision/thinking.html /decision/ethicsandvirtue.html /decision/ethicsandvirtue.html MacIntyre MacIntyre /ethicsandvirtue.html #top