an hour and a half There is an hour and a half for this paper, which means that, allowing for: reading the questions, making your selection, writing the plans and, checking the finished pieces for technical accuracy, thirty five minutes for each essay. you probably have about thirty five minutes for each essay. it IS long enough if you remain focused It’s not a lot of time – but it IS long enough if you remain focused.
Don’t be tempted to allow yourself to write at length for the first essay Don’t be tempted to allow yourself to write at length for the first essay and then have to leave the second one unfinished. Even if you got 25 marks for the essay it means you miss chance to get A or B by doing second one Remember that the exam paper has been set to accommodate all of Scotland’s Int 2/Higher candidates. the wording is deliberately ‘woolly’ to allow for a bit of interpretation It is impossible to set specific questions for all of the texts and the wording is deliberately ‘woolly’ to allow for a bit of interpretation to suit such a wide range of texts. Do not panic Do not panic if nothing strikes you as immediately obvious a question for you. Take some time; think about the possibilities.
need to be absolutely sure that you understand this key instruction. You need to be absolutely sure that you understand this key instruction. Too many candidates are so relieved to have found a question which from the first sentence suits their preparation, but in failing to address the second sentence properly, produce an essay that is almost worthless. first sentence in the question will be the one that suggests a particular text it is the second sentence that is the really important one because this tells you how you need to treat the text The first sentence in the question will be the one that suggests a particular text to you – but it is the second sentence that is the really important one because this tells you how you need to treat the text.
To summarise then....the questions are in two parts first sentence guides you towards an appropriate text The first sentence guides you towards an appropriate text second sentence – the more important sentence -- establishes the response that you are expected to offer The second sentence – the more important sentence -- establishes the response that you are expected to offer read the question several times You must read the question several times to ensure that you have fully understood Avoid the temptation to write the essay that YOU want and not what the SQA want!
Highlighters can be useful to flag up the key words in your chosen question and to ensure that you cover these aspects when you write your plan. YOU MUST PLAN! And YOU MUST PLAN! Use whatever style you like for planning – spider diagram, headings and bullet points, -- it doesn’t matter as long as it works for you. Remember to jot down the supporting evidence for the points Remember to jot down the supporting evidence for the points you make (the paraphrasing, quotations, stage directions etc. etc.)
Let’s take a closer look at structuring the response...
THE OPENING PARAGRAPH TitleAuthor Title of the text – Author (Get name right!) Refer to the question the way you are going to approach it Refer to the question (but don’t write it all out again!) and the way you are going to approach it – and be brief personal response A personal response to the text if this is appropriate BRIEF SUMMARY very brief A very brief outline of the content of the text (Now do the task on the handout)
THE BODY OF THE ESSAY Analysis (HOW) of techniques Analysis (HOW) of techniques used by the writer Point Evidence Explanation The body of the essay will consist of a number of carefully linked paragraphs, each one developing a main point which will then be illustrated by a number of examples. You add comment to the examples to demonstrate your ability to analyse
You are trying to show you understand the main ideas That you understand the main ideas in the text and this is not simply a question of explaining what happens in your own words. How the writer has used stylistic devices How the writer has used stylistic devices to develop those ideas. the use of some of these techniques has affected the way you think and feel How the use of some of these techniques has affected the way you think and feel about certain aspects of the text.
CONCLUSION - An effective concluding paragraph should... Refer back directly to the question Sum up the main points Sum up the main points made in the essay Arrive at a final conclusion Arrive at a final conclusion about the aspect(s) of the text highlighted in the question Try to provide an interesting personal concluding response
SOME SPECIFIC ADVICE… When you have finished writing PROOF READ. When you have finished writing your essay, you will need to PROOF READ. your writing still has to meet the standards set for technical accuracy. Although the examiner will make some allowances for the pressure and stress of the examination, your writing still has to meet the standards set for technical accuracy.
In your proof reading you will also be checking that you have demonstrated the following... Understanding Understanding of the text through detailed reference and relevant quotation Analysis Analysis of the writer’s techniques and how these have functioned to influence and enhance your appreciation of the text Evaluation Evaluation – which is very closely tied to the analysis but it is important that the examiner gets a clear impression of your engagement with the text and that you are evaluating, even if this is only done implicitly.
See handouts for specific points on Poetry and Prose