Premise 1 – What we don’t want ◦ We don’t want to own it. ◦ We don’t want to pay for it. ◦ We don’t want to maintain it. Premise 2 – What we want ◦ A little lease money for “worthless” property ◦ Education Kiosks Administration Building PDK Park ◦ A little Goodwill Premise 3 – When in doubt refer to Premise 1
Whereby every geographic area within the state shall be assigned to AN (singular) electric supplier… ◦ Reasons Most efficient, economical, & orderly Inhibit duplication of the lines of suppliers To protect lines lawfully constructed by electric suppliers Preservation & enhancement of the state’s physical environment Limited private producers access to the grid ◦ Enabled private business to USE power they created with the benefit of tax credits and accelerated depreciation – not available to tax exempt organizations or governments
Georgia Power will issue Power Purchase Agreements for 825 MW of new solar facilities ◦ Issued by lottery ◦ Will pay producers FMV Retail vice wholesale
Issued RFQ for consultant selection ◦ RFQ delineated the following priorities Showcase project for City, County, Airport Develop the project without major capital investment Educational asset Maintenance cost reduced or eliminated Lease income Recommend technology to be used Recommend location based on completion of FAA approved glare study
Photovoltaic solar panels ◦ Locally produced (5 miles from PDK) ◦ Highly efficient FAA approved glare study ◦ Used to identify potential sites that minimize or eliminates potential glare for air traffic and air traffic control ◦ FAA approved software Identified preferred ownership option Identified ONE potential site at PDK
1750’ into RPZ
Submit request to FAA IAW Ref doc – FAA Interim Guidance on Land Uses Within a Runway Protection Zone 9/27/12 Expect updated land use AC 2014 ◦ Request required when “A local development proposal” includes land within RPZ Identify alternatives Identify where in the RPZ ◦ Cautiously optimistic – Interim Guidance slanted towards requirements (e.g. a new approach, new critical aircraft, runway extension) and leaves little room for “discretionary” projects.