Technology Competency #14 Erin McCutchen. Prepare the Slideshow.


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Presentation transcript:

Technology Competency #14 Erin McCutchen

Prepare the Slideshow

Set up projector and screen

Set up computer

Attach video cable

Turning on Projector

Deliver Presentation

These pictures were taken from two different presentations in order to meet all of the requirements. Both are original presentations of mine. I had to combine the pictures from both.

SAIL Presentation Erin McCutchen Jaesin-Kindergarten By

Overview: Jaesin 6 years old 80 dB bilateral hearing loss Hearing (non-signing) parents Communicates at home using gestures Communicates at school using ASL combined with invented gestures.

Overview: Jaesin Older sister that is deaf but she only began signing with him after he began learning signs at school. Since the beginning of my assignment, he has started being medicated for ADHD.

Number sense and counting are areas that needed specific attention. He distracts other students because he is not engaged in number related activities. He becomes easily frustrated when being pushed to work one on one. Learning Needs

1. Pre-Number Activities (Liedtke, 1978) (Griffin, S., 2004) (Bodovski, K., & Farkas, G., 2007) 2. Making the learning visual (Easterbrooks, S. & Stephenson, B., 2006) 3. Subject related vocabulary (Stewart, D., & Kluwin, T. 2001) Strategies

Pre-assessment Without my assistance, Jaesin correctly performed 1/8 of these tasks. He did not understand the words first, middle, and last. He had a difficult time even focusing on what I was asking him to do.


Jaesin was not engaged at all. He was in a completely new environment with a new teacher. He was much more focused on the snack machine and the video camera than the lesson. I inaccurately planned activities. They were way beyond his understanding. SAIL Pre-assessment = FAIL Pre-assessment

It was mandatory that I go back and adjust all of my lesson plans. I failed to properly implement the strategies that I researched. I was not prepared for the amount of differentiation I needed within each individual lesson. Discovery : Plans are made to be broken.

1.) I used a variety of items and began grouping them by color. I would then give him a item to put in the correct group. At the end, we compared groups of items to determine which group had more and which had less (Pre-Number Activities). 2.) Next, we completed a worksheet where he counted items 1-5 and then compared the groups to tell me which group had more and which had less (Pre-Number Activities). 3.) We discussed the meanings of more, less and equal to (Subject Related Vocabulary). 4.) To assess understanding, Jaesin completed a counting and comparing worksheet independently. Lesson 1 (2 days)

1.) Jaesin ordered number strips from 1-10 to create a picture. He was very into this, so we did it with this activity with several more pictures as well (Visual Learning). 2.) On the third day, we used the number chart to practice counting by 10’s. 3.) Jaesin progressed to ordering numbers by 10’s independently. Lesson 2 (3 days)

Jaesin picked a card from a pile. He had to count out pennies to represent the number he drew from the stack. Then he was asked to count items and circle the corresponding numbers.

1.) I began the lesson using a counting wheel. Jaesin counted the items in each section, and he pinned the corresponding clothespin on the wheel. 2.) We counted by fives together using a number chart. Tally marks were introduced using only up to five marks. We worked together on a tally mark activity. 3.) I used pictures of super heroes to show him the concept of “one more”. He began with 2 and had to ask me for one more. When I gave him another super hero, he counting the total. Lesson 3 (3 days)

1.) We looked at grouping pictures of items Jaesin told me which group had more items. We reviewed “more”, “less”, and “equal to” (Pre-Number Activities). 2.) Next, we counted the bears in a cave. I showed Jaesin a group of five bears. We counted them together. I moved one of the five bears into the cave to hibernate. We began counting from 2 showing him that the other bear was there even though we couldn’t see it (Visual Learning). 3.) We used counting flash cards that did not begin with the number 1. Jaesin was asked to tell me the missing numbers. For example: 2 3 _, 3 4 _. I showed him how to check his answers by flipping the card to the back. Lesson 4 (2 days)

Post Assessment Counting by 5’s and 10’s. He counted first using the chart, but this assessment below was without use of the chart.

I noticed while working with Jaesin that he can recognize groups of objects more easily when they are even numbers arranged like the last problem on this page. Post Assessment Counting items up to ten then writing the corresponding number.

Post Assessment


-I created the entire SAIL assignment based on the needs I observed in the classroom. As a result, I had to do twice the work and begin lesson planning from scratch after I implemented the pre-assessment. Jaesin was much further behind than I initially thought. -From the beginning, I should have had more options for differentiation within each lesson. Things will rarely go according to plans, so flexibility is imperative. Reflection: My Teaching

-For deaf and hard of hearing students, the more visual the better. Hands on activities that spark student interest are the best method. -It didn’t matter how many times I signed “more” to Jaesin, unless he truly understood what that words represented, it was worthless. Much like with counting: It did not matter how many times he counted to ten correctly, until he realized that those numbers were representations of objects, it was worthless. Reflection: My Teaching

- Jaesin’s confidence improved immensely. Over the last few weeks, he has been much more engaged in whole group math lessons and much less of a disruption. - There’s a math game called Top-It that is played during center time. He was never able to independently participate, because he did not know the meaning of the words more or higher. Now, he plays the game with a number line, and he can participate! - Last week, I introduced “dice addition”. After I modeled a game to the class, the class worked in partners. I observed him throughout this activity. He understood what was happening! He correctly answered 6 out of 10 problems. Reflection: Jaesin’s Progress

Bodovski, K., & Farkas, G. (2007). Mathematics growth in early elementary school: The roles of beginning knowledge, student engagement, and instruction. The Elementary School Journal, 108(2), Easterbrooks, S., & Stephenson, B. (2006). An examination of twenty literacy, science, and mathematics practices used to educate students who are deaf and hard of hearing. American Annals of the Deaf, 151(4), Griffin, S. (2004). Teaching number sense. Educational Leadership, February, Liedtke, W. (1978). Rational counting. The Arithmatic Teacher, 26(2), Stewart, D., & Kluwin, T. (2001). Teaching deaf and hard of hearing students: Content, strategies and curriculum. (pp ). Needham Heights, MA: A Pearson Education Company. References

Questions? Thoughts? Suggestions?