ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering 10 Computer Lab Work: ASSIST.ORG to Guide Student Education Plan (SEP)
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 2 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Assignment Engineering Design for YOURSELF a Course-By- Course, and Term-by-Term Plan to Obtain a Baccalaureate Engineering Degree from a Transfer University To Include (examples follow) Your Choice of Engineering Discipline Year and Semester/Quarter Institution = Chabot + Transfer-University Course: Title, Number, Unit Value
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 3 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Recall Robert Moore BSME Earned BSME from UCBerkeley in May2011
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 4 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Mr. Moore’s Chabot Course Plan Fall 2006Course No.UnitsSpring 2007Course No.Units History of CaliforniaHIS 123General Colllege ChemistryChem 1A5 Pre-Calculus MathematicsMTH 205Intro/Structured Progr in C++CSCI 144 Introduction to EngineeringENGR 102Engineering Design GraphicsENGR 223 Calculus 1MTH 15 Total Units10 Total Units17 Fall 2007Course No.UnitsSpring 2008Course No.Units Computational Methods for EngineersENGR 253Engineering Circuit AnalysisENGR 434 Calculus 2MTH 25Multivariable Calculus 3MTH 35 General Physics 1PHYS 4A5General Physics 2PHYS 4B5 Total Units13 Total Units14 Fall 2008Course No.UnitsSpring 2009Course No.Units Critical Readying & CompositionENGL 1A3Critical Thinking / Writing LitENGL 43 Engineering Mechanics - StaticsENGR 363Engineering MaterialsENGR 453 Elementary Linear AlgebraMTH 63Elementary Differential EquationsMTH 43 General Physics 3PHYS 4C5Speech CommunicationSPCH 13 Fitness for Everyone 2PHED 2FFE1 Total Units14 Total Units13 Final GPA: 3.52
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 5 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Mr. Moore’s UC Berkeley Plan Fall 2009Course No.UnitsSpring 2010Course No.Units ThermodynamicsME 403Advanced Engineering Design GraphicsE1283 Intro To Solid MechanicsME C853Engineering Mechanics 2ME 1043 Dynamic system Feedback ControlME 1323Fluid MechanicsME 1063 Enviromental EconomicsECON C34Mechanical Behavior of MaterialsME 1084 Transitioning to calEDU 1981Vehicle Dynamics and Control SystemsME 1313 Total Units14 Total Units16 Fall 2010Course No.UnitsSpring 2010Course No.Units Computer Aided Mechanical DesignME 1283Mechatronics DesignME 102B3 Heat TransferME 1093Mechanical Engineering LaboratoryME 1073 Intro to Measuring systems for MechatronicsME102A4Design of microprocessor-Based systemsME 1354 Energy and Society 100ER 1004Advanced Programming with MATLABE 1773 Total Units14 Total Units13 Summer 2010Course No.Units Macro Economic AnalysisECON 100B4 Electrical Tech for Engineers (circuits)EL ENG 1004 Total Units8 GPA after summer 2010: 3.6
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 6 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering How did Mr. Moore Make his Plan? Mr. Moore used ASSIST.org to Plan to earn a baccalaureate degree in Mechanical Engineering for BOTH San Jose State University UC Berkeley
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 7 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Robert Curry Plan: Sacramento State BSCE
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 8 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Robert Curry Plan: Sacramento State BSCE
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 9 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Template Available On ENGR10 WebPage er/ChabotEngineeringCourses/ENGR- 10_Into_to_Engrng/ENGR- 10_Lecture/4Year- Degree_Plan_Template_1008.xls
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 10 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering CanNOT Copy Templates MINUS points for copying MY templates and turning them in as your own
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 11 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Today’s Plan Move to 3906A Lab Find ASSIST.ORG Explore Majors if not Already Chosen Start to Build SEP for your Engineering Major at Your Transfer University Assist Report for Chabot to CSUEB Industrial Engineering
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 12 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering NIX IGETC
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 13 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Beware of Out-of-Order PreReqs In any student SEP taking a class withOUT the proper PreReq loses lots of points And it tends to make the plan WORTHLESS And it is hard to do at the University Level Do it ANYWAY Navigating PreReqs is the Most Difficult Part (other than the classes) of earning the BS in Engineering degree
ENGR10 (2) Intro to Engineering (Fall-Only) CHEM1A (5) College Chemistry I (Fall, Spring) MTH1 (5) Calculus I (Fall, Spring) ENGR22 (3) Engineering Graphics (Fall, Spring) ENGR11 (2) Engineering Design (Spring-Only) ENGR25 (3) Computer Methods (Fall, Spring) MTH2 (5) Calculus II (Fall, Spring) PHYS4A (5) General Physics I (Fall, Spring) ENGR36 (3) Engineer Mechanics (Fall-Only) MTH6 (3) Linear Algebra (Fall, Spring) MTH3 (5) MultiVar Calculus (Fall, Spring) PHYS4B (5) General Physics II (Fall, Spring) ENGR43 (4) Electrical Ckts & Devs (Spring-Only) ENGR45 (3) Engineering Matls (Spring-Only) MTH4 (3) Differential Eqms (Fall, Spring) PHYS4C (5) General Physics III (Fall, Spring)
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 15 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Find ASSIST.ORG HomePage Find Chabot Find Target Destination
ENGR-10_Lec-05_Engineering_Degree_Plan_ASSIST_Lab.pptx 16 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-10: Intro to Engineering Time to Move to Computer Lab Let’s Go To Room 3906A