AN APPROACH TO THE ANEMIC PATIENT Martin H. Ellis MD Meir Hospital 2007
CASE PRESENTATION 67 y.o.male Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia for 4 years 1 week of weakness and dyspnea Now6 mo ago Wbc 6.8 g/dL14.2 g/dLHb 178 K192 KPlatelets LAB DATA
Classification of anemia Etiologic –Decreased production –Increased destruction –Blood loss Morphologic –Microcytic hypochromic –Normocytic normochromic –Macrocytic
Approaching the diagnosis: First impressions Obvious clinical problems –Serious illness, overt bleeding Remainder of CBC –wbc, platelets MCV
Approaching the diagnosis: Isolated anemia, MCV low Iron deficiency –Elevated red cell distribution width Thalassemia –Normal red cell distribution width Anemia of chronic disease Lead poisoning
Approaching the diagnosis: Isolated anemia, MCV high B12, folate levels TSH Liver function tests Hemolytic parameters Consider bone marrow disorders
Approaching the diagnosis: Isolated anemia, MCV normal Mixed nutritional deficiencies –Dimorphic picture on smear Hemolysis Bone marrow disorders Anemia of chronic disease Chronic renal failure Acute bleeding
Approaching the diagnosis: Anemia with other cytopenias BM failure –Severe B12/FA deficiency –Aplastic anemia BM infiltration –Malignancies –Infections –Storage diseases Hypersplenism
BACK TO THE PATIENT… Background of CLL “Sudden” decrease in hemoglobin –Differential diagnosis Hemorrhage Decreased production Hemolysis
Aplastic anemia Pancytopenia with bone marrow hypocellularity Etiology: –Idiopathic – immune - T cell mediated –Constitutional (Fanconi anemia) –Radiation –Chemicals (benzene) –Drugs (cytotoxics, chloramphenicol, etc) –Infections (seronegative hepatitis, EBV) –Transfusion associated graft versus host disease
Aplastic anemia: diagnosis Clinical features –Abrupt or slow onset –Bleeding and anemia symptoms & signs Laboratory features –Pancytopenia (neutrophils < 500/µL, retic count <1% & platelets, /µL = severe AA) –Hypocellular/acellular bone marrow biopsy
Aplastic anemia: treatment Bone marrow transplant –For young patients –Sibling donors preferred –80% cure rate Immunosuppression –Antithymocyte globulin + cyclosporine ± steroids –70-80% response rate
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) Anemia, reticulocytopenia, absent red cell precursors in bone marrow Congenital –Diamond Blackfan anemia Acquired –Transient (parvovirus B19 in patients with hemolytic anemia) –Paraneoplasatic (thymoma, CLL) –SLE, rheumatoid arthritis –Pregnancy –Drugs – new entity: anti EPO antibodies PRCA!
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) Acquired mutation in PIG-A gene occurs at the stem cell level Results in reduced/absent GPI-linked cell surface membrane proteins (CD 55, CD 59) Red cells have enhanced sensitivity to circulating complement Bone marrow failure, hemolysis and thrombosis occur
EXTRACORPUSCULAR CAUSES Immune hemolytic anemia Autoantibodies of IgG or IgM subtype IgG reacts best at 37 C = “warm” antibody Ig M reacts below body temperature = “cold” antibody
WARM AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA CLINICAL FEATURES Females > males Pallor Jaundice Splenomegaly Occasional fulminant hemolysis- cardiovascular collapse
WARM AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA Causes: –Idiopathic -Malignancies (lymphoma, CLL, other) -Drugs (alpha methyl dopa, penicillin, quinidine) -Collagen-vascular diseases (SLE) Laboratory features –Extravascular hemolysis –Smear shows microspherocytes, polychromatophilia, basophilic stippling
WARM AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA DIAGNOSTIC TEST Direct Coombs test presence of antibody (or complement) on RED CELLS Indirect Coombs test presence of antibody in SERUM
DIRECT COOMBS TEST Anti Human Globulin
Making the diagnosis in our patient Reticulocyte count –Beware… sometimes AIHA can occur without reticulocytosis!! Biochemical parameters –LDH, indirect bilirubin, haptoglobin Direct Coombs test –Indirect Coombs less informative Bone marrow biopsy –Presence or absence of red cell precursors