House of Scorpion Words. Lavish Anemia Lizzy Oliver Pd.6
(Note: The Bill Clinton sentence is not factual.) Lavish Adjective. Definition: - Expended, bestowed or occurring in a profusion of amount. Synonyms: Antonyms: -extravagant -limited –wasteful -bargain finder -spender -coupon collector Example Sentences: The doctor made a lavish investment to his town’s hospital. The rather rich child always had a lavish birthday party. Bill Clinton has a lavish house which is filled with twenty bathrooms and four pools. (Note: The Bill Clinton sentence is not factual.) Origin: -Middle English Sentence in Text: -Page 84, paragraph 1. “…Ceila praised Matt lavishly.”
Anemia Noun Definition: Synonyms: Antonyms: Example Sentences: Origin: -A reduced number of red blood cells that causes weakness and breathlessness. Synonyms: Antonyms: -lack of blood -lively -sick -active -unhealthy -healthy Example Sentences: -The child was diagnosed with anemia and could not participate in sports. -Doctor Dan was aware the patient was anemic but had no clue he had leukemia. -Molly was anemic therefor was unable to walk around the amusement park for very long. Origin: Greek/ New Latin Sentence in Text: Page 23, 2nd paragraph on page. “….It has mild anemia.”