Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education UPMC Critical Care
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Therapeutic Hypothermia and Trauma Samuel A. Tisherman, MD, FACS, FCCM Departments of Critical Care Medicine and Surgery Safar Center for Resuscitation Research University of Pittsburgh
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Disclosure Co-author of patent “Emergency Preservation and Resuscitation Method”
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education
I hope they cool me soon!
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Predisposition in Trauma Patients Exposure (field and trauma bay) Opening of body cavities Blood loss Infusion of cold fluids Limited heat production Shock Sedation, anesthesia, EtOH and drugs
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Triad of Death
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Damage Control
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Retrospective studies Increased injury severity Decreased temperature Increased mortality
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education PA Trauma Outcome Study Statewide trauma registry 38,520 trauma patients ( ) 1,921 (5%) hypothermic on admission (<35 o C) Adjusted for everything possible Age Injury severity Mechanism of injury Route of temp measurement Odds ratio for death 3.03 ( ) CCM, 2005.
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Hypothermia and TBI Konstantinidis et l. J Trauma, 2011.
Hypothermia will add 10 years to your life
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education TBI
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Marion, et al. NEJM, TBI and Hypothermia: Pittsburgh
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Clifton, et al. NEJM, National Acute Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Subset analysis Hypothermia detrimental for >45 yo Under 45 and hypothermic on admission % with poor outcome Hypothermia 52% Normothermia 76% Intercenter differences in quality of care Clifton, et al. NEJM, 2001.
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education NABIS:H II Clifton et al. Lancet Neurology, 2011.
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education NABIS:H II Clifton et al. Lancet Neurology, 2011.
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education TBI and Hypothermia Questions Early vs late (high ICP) Different types of TBI Depth Duration
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Spinal cord injury
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Dying Patterns from Hemorrhage Uncontrolled Hemorrhage Exsanguinating Hemorrhage Hypothermic Emergency Preservation And Resuscitation (EPR) Allow arrest “ Buy time ” Limited fluid resuscitation Mild hypothermia Pharmacologic hibernation Maintain pulse Transport Delayed Resuscitation Resuscitative Surgery Lose pulse
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Dying Patterns from Hemorrhage Uncontrolled Hemorrhage Exsanguinating Hemorrhage Hypothermic Emergency Preservation And Resuscitation (EPR) Allow arrest “ Buy time ” Limited fluid resuscitation Mild hypothermia Pharmacologic hibernation Maintain pulse Transport Delayed Resuscitation Resuscitative Surgery Lose pulse
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Temperature Levels Mild Moderate Deep Profound Ultra-profound
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Isoflurane=0.5% 2.0% Time Isoflurane MAP Blood withdrawal 68.6 ml/kg/h 20 ml/kg/h 10 ml/kg/h Hemorrhagic Shock Stop isoflurane after splenectomy FR+intensive care HS 3 h RT 24h 40’ Splenectomy Spleen Cut RT12 h 35’95’ 0 Temperature Induction of Hypothermia + Limited Fluid Resuscitation Normothermia Group (Norm) (38°C) Hypothermia Groups (Hypo-Ice & -Rm) (34°C) Wu, et al. J Trauma, Pig HS Outcome Model ICU to 24 h
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Time (h) # Survivors HS 3 h Norm, n=8 Hypo-Ice, n=8 * Hypo-Rm, n=8 p<0.05 (Hypo-Rm vs Norm) Wu, et al. J Trauma, Pig Survival
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Why the dichotomy?
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education PRECLINICAL STUDY OF HYPOTHERMIA DURING HS-PIGS BL (min)2h4h6h Mean arterial pressure (mm Hg) PA temperature (C) Wu, et al. SCCM 2002 Normothermia Group Tpa Hypothermia Group Tpa MAP HSResuscitation Start coolingLiver injury Hemodilution
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Wu, et al. SCCM 2002 Thromboelastograph (TEG) PT (sec) PTT (sec) Platelets (/ l) R (min)K (min)MA (mm) Alpha ( ) Normothermia 11.2 22.9 280 3.5 62.4 69 Hypothermia 12.1 19.6 236 10.2 3.7 53.3 61 ACT (sec) Clinical studies: No significant coagulation abnormalities at >34 o C! Coagulation Tests in Pigs at 3 h after HS and Liver Injury
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Resnick, et al. Neurosurgery, Hypothermia does not increase bleeding in traumatic brain injury!
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Dying Patterns from Hemorrhage Uncontrolled Hemorrhage Exsanguinating Hemorrhage Hypothermic Emergency Preservation And Resuscitation (EPR) Allow arrest “ Buy time ” Limited fluid resuscitation Mild hypothermia Pharmacologic hibernation Maintain pulse Transport Delayed Resuscitation Resuscitative Surgery Lose pulse
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Trauma case 23 yo male Multiple gunshot wounds HR 140, BP 80/p
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Clinical problem: Cardiac arrest from trauma Survival (%) Rhee, JACS, 2000
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Dr. Peter SafarCol. Ron Bellamy Time to Death in Combat Casualties
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Emergency Preservation and Resuscitation “Protection and preservation of the organism during circulatory arrest of 2 h or longer for transportation and control of bleeding during pulselessness followed by delayed resuscitation.” Could allow survival from otherwise lethal insults
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education EPR Animal Model Custom-bred hunting dogs Anesthesia - light N 2 O-halothane Physiologic monitoring: ECG, MAP, PAP, PCW, CVP, ETCO2 ABG, Hct, lytes, glucose Temps: tympanic, PA, esoph, rectal 24 h/day ICU care
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Cardiopulmonary Bypass System
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Exsanguination Cardiac Arrest Model Exsanguination Cardiac Arrest min Bleed Flush CPB Tty MAP VF
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education 5 Brain death 4 Coma 3 Severe Disability 2 Moderate Disability 1 Normal 20 o C 15 o C 10 o C Final OPC Behringer, CCM, Effect of Aortic Flush Volume/Brain Temp (Tty) 60 min Exsanguination Arrest
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education 5 Brain Death 4 Coma 3 Severe Disability 2 Moderate Disability 1 Normal 90 min120 min Final OPC Behringer, CCM, Volume >500 ml/kg Whole body Exsanguination Cardiac Arrest (Tty 10 o C)
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Cold energy: 3 h EPR OPC Oxygen GlucoseOxygenGlucoseControl 5 Death 4 Coma 3 Severe disability 2 Moderate disability 1 Normal Wu, et al. JCBFM, 2008.
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education
Prolonged HS->arrest, PHCA CPR group EPR group MAP Continuous bleedingCardiac arrestCPB Spleen transection HS time CPR:124±11 min SA: 128±17 min Bloodgas CPR EPR pH6.79± ±0.12 Potassium7.9 ±0.97.6±1.4 Lactate15.2± ±2.4 BE-16.9± ±1.5 Splenectomy Wu et al. Circulation, 2006.
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Prolonged HS->arrest, PHCA Overall Performance CategoryCPR EPR-I (hypo-12h) EPR-II (hypo-36) 5 Dead 4 Coma 3 Severe disability 2 Moderate disability 1 Normal Wu et al. Circulation, * * Seizures
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Rhee and Alam Cooling Rewarming
Time Temp (ºC) 5 min exsanguination 20 min EPR (including aortic flush) 1 min CA 60 min CPB (Temp N-EPR) (Temp H-EPR) MAP (mmHg)
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education
Emergency Preservation Time Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP, mmHg) Tympanic Temperature (Tty, o C) Trauma Final gasp Lose pulse Open chest Transport to OR Hemostasis Delayed resuscitation Aortic flush Tty MAP
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Funding Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education FDADSMBIRBCC/PDStart Regulatory process
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Team
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Trauma case 23 yo male Multiple gunshot wounds HR 140, BP 80/p Loses pulse in ED CPR-no response
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education THE MEDIC OF THE FUTURE Fluids Smart catheter Cooling device Miniature pump Drugs
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education For now? Maintain normothermia But…….
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education Thanks EPR fellows Anthony Capone, MD Randy Woods, MD Stephan Prueckner, MD Wilhelm Behringer, MD Ala Nozari, MD Xianren Wu, MD Thomas Drabek, MD Bill Stezoski, Jason Stezoski Numerous technicians
Pat Kochanek, MD
Peter Safar, MD An inspiration to us all Snowbird, Utah, SHOCK Society annual meeting, June, 2000
Exemplary Care Cutting-edge Research World-class Education UPMC Critical Care