Chapter 3 Integumentary System Health Science 1101 Chapter 3 Integumentary System
Integument, or Skin Structure Three layers of the skin (from superficial to deep) epidermis dermis subcutaneous
Skin Structure Terms adip/o lip/o steat/o cutane/o dermat/o derm/o hidr/o sudor/o seb/o onych/o Pil/o trich/o
Skin Condition Terms Ichthy/o Kerat/o Myc/o Necr/o scler/o squam/o xer/o hydr/o
Skin Color Terms cyan/o erythr/o leuk/o albin/o melan/o xanth/o Vitiligo: localized loss of skin pigmentation. Sometimes called leukoderma
Skin Prefixes auto- epi- hypo- sub-
Skin Suffixes -penia -phagia -phoresis -derma -malacia -therapy -plasty -tome -cele -cyte -emia -esis -itis -logy -logist -oma -osis -pathy -rrhea -penia -phagia -phoresis -derma -malacia -therapy
Lesions Primary lesion: Initial reaction to pathologically altered tissue that may be flat or elevated Secondary lesion: Result from the changes that take place in the primary lesion due to infection, scratching, trauma, or various stages of the disease.
Hemorrhage Contusion: Hemorrhage of any size, under the skin, in which the skin is not broken. AKA: A bruise. Petechia: Minute or small hemorrhagic spot on the skin Ecchymosis: Discoloration on the skin consisting of large, irregularly formed hemorrhagic areas. The color is blue- black, changing in time to greenish brown or yellow; commonly called a bruise Hematoma: Elevated, localized collection of blood trapped under the skin, usually the result of trauma.
Eczema, psoriasis, hirsutism Eczema: Inflammatory skin disease characterized by redness, itching and blisters Psoriasis: Chronic skin disease characterized by itchy red patches covered with silvery scales.
Hair growth or hair loss Hirsutism: Condition characterized by excessive growth of hair in unusual places. Alopecia: Absence or loss of hair.
Impetigo, Scabies, Tinea Impetigo: Inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustules that become encrusted and rupture Scabies: Contagious disease transmitted by mites Tinea: Fungal infection, also called ringworm
Bumps Verruca: Rounded epidermal growths caused by viruses. AKA: Warts Uticaria: Allergic reaction characterized by pale-red elevated, itchy patches. Also called wheals or hives.
Zits and Blackheads Acne: Inflammatory disease of the sebaceous follicles. May include comedos, papules and pustules. Comedos: discolored, dried sebum plugging up a excretory duct in the skin. AKA: A blackhead.
Types of Bumps
Abscesses Abscess: Localized collection of pus at the site of infection Furuncle: Abscess that originates in a hair follicle, also called a boil. Carbuncle: Cluster of furuncles in the subcutaneous tissue
Other Skin Disorders Cyst: A closed sac or pouch in or under the skin that contains fluid, semifluid or solid material. Ulcer: Lesion of the skin marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing of damaged tissue. Pressure ulcer: Ulceration caused by prolonged pressure, usually in one who is bedridden. Also called a bedsore or decubitus ulcer
Skin Cancers Melanoma: A black cancerous tumor of the skin Basal Cell Carcinoma: A type of skin cancer affecting the basal cell layer of the epidermis
Skin Treatment Biopsy: Removal of a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination used to diagnose and treat disease. Skin test: Process of inoculating the skin with a small amount of allergen to detect sensitivity. Abrasion: Scraping or rubbing away of a surface, like the skin.
More Treatment Cryosurgery: Use of subfreezing temperature to destroy abnormal tissue and cells. Debridement: removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue to promote healing. Incision and drainage (I and D): Incision of a lesion, such as an abscess, followed by the drainage of its contents.
More Treatments Skin Resurfacing: Procedure for repairing damaged skin, acne scars, wrinkles or tattoos. May involve lasers, chemicals or abrasion. Chemical Peel: Use of chemicals to remove the outer layers of the skin. Dermabrasion: Skin treatment that uses abrasive materials like sandpaper or wire brushes.
Skin Abbreviations AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome BCC: Basal Cell Carcinoma BX, bx: Biopsy FH: Family History FS: Frozen Section I&D: Incision and Drainage ID: Intradermal
More Skin Abbreviations IM: Intramuscular IMP: Impression, or diagnosis PE: Physical Examination Sub-Q, Subcu: Subcutaneous Ung: Ointment WBC: White blood cell XP: Xeroderma pigmentosum