Fluid Management of Maternal Hemorrhage Dr.Hantoushzadeh
2 Maternal Mortality -All pregnancies- EtiologyM. Hemorrhage28.7% Embolism19.7% P.I.H.17.6% Infection13.1% Cardiomyopathy5.6% Anesthesia complic2.5% Others12.7%
3 1- Identify risk - Placenta previa/accreta -Anticoagulation Rx -Coagulopathy -Over distended uterus -Grand multiparity -Abnormal labor pattern -Chorioamnionitis -Large myomas -Previous history of PPH Maternal Mortality - Obstetrical Hemorrhage -
4 O 2 Delivery = C.O. x Sa O 2 x Hb% Fluid management Oxygenation Transfusion Maintain aerobic metabolism Hemorrhagic Shock - Management - CO = cardiac output SaO2 = Systemic arterial oxygen saturation
5 ClassBlood Loss Volume Deficit SpxRx I < 1000 cc15% Orthostatic tachycardia Crystalloid II % Incr. HR, orthostasis, mental Decr cap refill Crystalloid, III % Incr HR, RR Decr BP, Oliguria Crystalloid Colloid, RBCs IV > 2500 > 40% Obtunded Oliguria/anuria CV collapse RBC, Crystalloid, Colloid Managing blood loss by hemorrhage classification
6 Blood Components ProductVolumeComponents Indication/ Utility Whole blood ccHct %1u =1g/dl Hb PRBC ccHct %1u = 1g/dl Hb Platelets30-50ccPlatelets WBC Ag1u = 5000uL FFP100cc Fibrinogen, clotting factors PT, PTT> 1.5 x nl, INR > 1.6 Cryo- precipitate 50-75cc Factor 8c, Von Willebrand’s factor, Fibrinogen Fibrinogen replacement
Factor Replacement Therapy VWF Hemophilia Acquired Inhibitors Plasmapheresis
Platlets transfusion ITP Acute Fatty Liver HELP Sever Preeclampsia IUFD Placental Abruption