Serving Others Matters
Matthew 23:11-12: “The greatest among you will be your servant.
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
roll call of the helpless
a dead girl
a woman who had a hemorrhage for 12 years that couldn’t be stopped
two blind men
demon-possessed man who was also mute
Matthew 9:36-38, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd.
Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Therefore pray that Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”
like sheep without a shepherd.
Let’s ask Him to give us His eyes to notice the helpless that He places in our daily paths.
But notice that Jesus also saw the potential of a bountiful harvest.
Let’s ask Him to give us His compassion for the helpless that He places in our daily paths.
This type of compassion will change the lives of those it touches.
Let’s ask Him to give us His power to serve the helpless that He places in our daily paths.
It is interesting that each time this word is used of Jesus he DID something about what he felt.
His disciples must DO something about their compassion.
The fields are white unto harvest.
We are to care for them AND tell them the beautiful story of Jesus.
How do we become a compassionate servant of the harvest?
We pray.
We pray for Jesus to give us His eyes to see those around us who need Him.
We pray for Him to give us a burning compassion to help them in His name.
We pray that He will empower us to go out into the world that is ripe or harvest.
Questions to ask:
What vision is God birthing in your heart for your service?
Who does He need you to minister to?
How much of your life are you willing to invest in service?
Let us be a church that prays and deepens our walk with God so we will:
Care more than some think is wise.
Risk more that some think is safe.
Dream more than some think is practical.
Expect more than some think is possible.
J. Hudson Taylor, pioneer missionary to China
We must move men through God-by prayer
At his death the China Inland Mission, which he started, had 205 stations with 849 missionaries and 125,000 Chinese Christians.