MEPI Development of Clinical and Translational Research Capacity Dr. Carla Carrilho Dr. Constance Benson Dr. Davey Smith Activities in course
Faculty Research Selection Process 1. Identified focal points in each department of UEM/FoM to coordinate research. These focal points will constitute a core group of people to begin research development Dep Medicine – Dr Albertino Damasceno Deps Surgery and Orthopedics – Dr America Assane Dep Gynecology/obstetrics – Dr Mario Samussidine Dep Pediatrics – Dr Eugenia Macassa Lab Services – Drs Mamudo Ismail/Carla Carrilho (Pathology); Drs Emilia Noorrmaomed/irene Langa (Parasitology); Dr Tomas Zimba (Microbiology) Dep Public health/Epidemiology – MISAU – Dr Carlos Funzamo Administration issues – Dra Clelia/ Olga Santo
2. Initial Research Priority Areas of importance to Mozambique were jointly identified 1. Communicable Diseases HIV and Opportunistic Infections Malaria-surveillance for resistance Cholera TB (for example new diagnostic tests, new drugs to improve treatment) Fungal, viral and parasitic diseases Rheumatic fever 2. Non-communicable Diseases HTA, stroke ( also applicable to HIV-infected and uninfected) Maternal mortality: including hemorrhage, obstructed labor, in HIV mothers, preeclampsia Trauma Surgical complications in HIV infected patients Surgical outcomes research (urban vs rural) Surgical related nosocomial infections Cancer: cervical (vaccine trial?), breast (receptor status), KS, liver, esophageal, prostate Neonatal deaths of unclear etiology
3. Identified specific research projects on the areas listed above, preferentially integrated (clinical epidemiological laboratorial) - for pairing with a UCSD counterpart – these will form the beginning of the project teams; other pre- and post-graduate trainees at UEM or HCM could join project teams that have been developed Dep Medicine – 8Lab Parasitology – 3 Dep Pediatrics – 7Lab Pathology – 3 (1 with TB Lab) Dep Surgery/Orthopedics – 4 Lab Microbiology Dep Gynecology/Obstetrics - 2 In the last meeting each focal point from each department presented draft of project proposals. These proposals need further discussion first at level of the department/coordinator group. After that it will be presented to UCSD mentors to pairing with a UCSD counterpart - formation of research mentoring teams
- A program for a didactic short course on “Introduction to research methodology” was designed (48 hours, 2 afternoons/week, 6h/week – proposed to initiated in April/ Two courses/year Dr Carlos Funzamo Residents from all specialties Transversal activity 4. Development of research training plans
5. Development Laboratory capacities -List of necessities in Equipment and reagents was done – priority for parasitology - Training Now 3 members of pathology laboratory are in training process in San Diego – 1 month – IF and cytogenetic techniques; dermato and renal pathology Another visit in April
Kanimambo! Obrigada! Thank you!