Suicide Audit- County Durham data Catherine Richardson Public Health
National context
Number of suicides year on year in County Durham
Suicide rate by locality in 2012 Area Populatio nSuicides Rate/100,00 0 Durham & CLS149, Derwentside88, Easington95, Sedgefield87, Durham dales88, NHS County Durham Total 508, National Figure7.9
Average suicide rates for the last 8 years AreaPopulationNo of suicidesRate/100,000/yr Durham and CLS 149, Derwentside88, Easington95, Sedgefield87, Durham Dales88, County Durham508, National Figure7.9
Mapping of suicides by LSOA since 2005
3 most common places outside of homes where people take their own lives Wooded area Railway Home of friends and family
Residence of those taking their own lives in relation to railway lines; note proximity to railway lines
Mosaic- allocation of those taking own life to 7 ‘supergroups’ Mosaic Public Sector SupergroupsYour area/file%Comp.%Pen. % Index ARural and small town inhabitants , BAffluent households , CMiddle income families , DYoung people starting out , ELower income residents , FElderly occupants , GSocial housing tenants , Total , Based on postcode; those committing suicide are more likely to be lower income residents and social housing tenants (index value >100)
Mosaic- allocation by ‘group’ Mosaic Public Sector GroupsYour area/file%Comp.%Pen. % Index AResidents of isolated rural communities , B Residents of small and mid-sized towns with strong local roots , C Wealthy people living in the most sought after neighbourhoods , D Successful professionals living in suburban or semi-rural homes , E Middle income families living in moderate suburban semis , F Couples with young children in comfortable modern housing , GYoung, well-educated city dwellers20.986, H Couples and young singles in small modern starter homes , I Lower income workers in urban terraces in often diverse areas , J Owner occupiers in older-style housing in ex-industrial areas , K Residents with sufficient incomes in right-to-buy social housing , L Active elderly people living in pleasant retirement locations , MElderly people reliant on state support , NYoung people renting flats in high density social housing20.982, O Families in low-rise social housing with high levels of benefit need , Total ,
Results; data 81% male; age distribution shown below Age Number of suicides
Trends over time… Year Number of suicides
Characteristics of those taking their own life 62.8% were divorced, separated, single, or widowed 32.2% lived alone 30% were unemployed The most common method was hanging/strangulation
Characteristics of those who take their own life, continued 58.9% were recorded as having a mental health problem 39.2% had a history of self-harm 20% had significant alcohol intake recorded 13% were drug users 53% had a history of involvement with Criminal justice system (CJS)
Contact with services 44% had contact with their GP in the 3 months before death 37.9% had contact with mental health services in the 12 months before their death, of these; 82% unemployed 37% lived alone 68% single 57% contact with CJS 37% noted as having alcohol problem 18% recorded as drug users 16.5% had been admitted by the mental health services during this time
Themes for those where multiple triggers thought to be relevant ThemeNumber of cases affected Mental health problems33 Family/relationship breakdown 33 Ill health12 Bereavement29 Alcohol15 Financial problems29 Drug use7 Problems at work3 Police involvement5
So, overall, most common triggers are; ThemeNumber affectedPercentage Mental Health Diagnoses % Family/relationship breakdown % Bereavement4716.5% Financial Problems3411.9%
Is the economic crisis going to spell more suicides in County Durham?
Recommendations in terms of service provision Mental health services and primary care need to ensure those at risk of suicide are identified Improved communication between services Commissioning of services need to meet the requirements of those with key risk factors Evidence suggests informal support services and reduction of access to means are highly effective interventions for reducing suicides
What is already available in County Durham ? Bereavement U Care Share deliver family practical support incl a home visit Cruse deliver bereavement support As part of counselling provision; bereavement counselling Financial support is currently delivered through CAB with focussed delivery for people suffering mental distress. Welfare Rights service targeted at those with poor mental health A county wide relationship support service is available through ‘Relate’. Couples counselling is offered through IAPT and some volunteer organisations also offer support. Community support through CREE (sheds project)
Suicide prevention Develop plan to make County Durham a Suicide Safer County Implement suicide community response programme including early alert process for individuals at risk of suicide or self-harm Build capacity within services and communities through delivery of suicide prevention training Evaluate suicide bereavement services
Suicide prevention action plan Refreshing the early alert system – County Durham will be one of only a few areas nationally taking part in a pilot of a new early alert. Self-harm subgroup whose initial focus is on data and standardisation of audit tools. Media/communications subgroup and action plan to cover the sensitive reporting of suicide, use of the internet, media training, public information campaigns
Suicide prevention action plan To enhance the role of the voluntary sector to support those from high risk groups To ensure accessible information and timely support is available to those bereaved by suicide Audit process: there is a need to review the current audit tool and the amount and types of reports being requested to ensure the audit is fit for purpose and to reduce duplication of effort. County Durham to become a Suicide Safer County. A suicide safer county is one that has demonstrated a commitment to suicide prevention, promoting wellness and mental health, an ability to talk openly and freely about suicide and support to those bereaved by suicide