Creating Outstanding Futures. Resilience; using evidence- based practice to Develop Growth Mindsets Simone Collpitts Director of Teaching and Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

Creating Outstanding Futures

Resilience; using evidence- based practice to Develop Growth Mindsets Simone Collpitts Director of Teaching and Learning 'The Traineeship Staff Support Programme has been commissioned and funded by The Education and Training Foundation and managed by AELP and their strategic partners ‘The Education and Training Foundation

What have they in common?

Our learning intentions __________________ Share how ‘educational character’ can influence classroom practice Brief overview of brain plasticity Develop your understanding of Carol Dweck’s work on self theory (Growth Mindsets) Share some practical strategies we have developed to develop resilience

‘Suki’ Activity Read the ‘Suki’ case study Choose a response from the list or create one of your own Be prepared to justify your answer

K SA = employability

You have a choice of activity (but all must be completed in one minute) Easy(ish) riddles Logic puzzle (geometry) Logic puzzle (maths) Logic puzzle (lateral thinking)

Give It a Go! Move to the side of the room for the activity of your choice. You will have 1 minute to work the activity. You are working alone, no talking. Now, reflect on the following… Before, During, After Go back to your core groups Talk for 5 minutes about your B, D A reflections. Be honest! Leader leads, recorder records, time keeper keeps time, life coach cheers !

Can you move just TWO toothpicks and create SEVEN squares?

Pause: What Was Going On in Your Brain? What was our inner voice saying? Before – Why did you choose your activity? How did you feel? What was your inner voice saying? During – How did you feel? What was your inner voice saying? After – How did you feel? What was your inner voice saying?

Professor Carol Dweck- Stanford University

Summary of Dweck’s findings: Two ‘Mindsets’ Fixed mindset: Intelligence and talent – are fixed Innate talent is the cause of success you can either do it or you cannot You either get it or you don’t Growth mindset: Intelligence can be developed Brains and talent are just the starting point Enjoy effort and process of learning You can always develop, learn and improve

Responses to a challenge Fixed Mindset Do not pay attention to learning challenging information / new skill Lose self-esteem Say to themselves ‘I am stupid’, they’ll think ‘I’m rubbish at this’ Under-represent past successes and over-represent failures Explain the cause of events as something stable about them. ‘(I’m ALWAYS this way’) Growth Mindset Pay attention to learning information, and so do better on future tests. Focus on what they are learning, rather than focusing on how they feel. Try out new ways of doing things. Use self-motivating statements such as ‘ the harder it gets the harder I try’. When faced with failure they will not blame their intellect / talent. ‘I cannot do this yet’

The power of the word ‘yet’ 'The Traineeship Staff Support Programme has been commissioned and funded by The Education and Training Foundation and managed by AELP and their strategic partners ‘The Education and Training Foundation