30 April 2015NAWRA June Welfare Rights Service Training Welfare Rights in Children & Young Peoples Service Julie Burton Natalie Rigby
30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits2 Julie Burton Principal Welfare Rights Officer Natalie Rigby Welfare Rights Officer
Provision across CYPS 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits3 Young Peoples Service Children in Need Teams – both funded by 3 year SLA with CYPS Learning Disabilities Transitions Team – funded via Commissioning
Young Peoples Service Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 Implemented 1 st October 2001 Imposes new financial and support responsibilities on Local Authorities for 16 &17 year olds who have been “looked after” for 3 months or more The Act gives particular emphasis on education, training and employment for care leavers up to age April 2015Introduction to Benefits4
CLC Act states that under no circumstances should the personal allowance and accommodation costs paid by the local authority fall below the level of state benefits for 16 and 17 year olds Welfare Rights now provide a Welfare Rights Service for the Young People’s Service 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits5 2 full time Welfare Rights Officers £12k contribution to PWRO post
Purpose of current SLA To provide benefits advice in the context of the Children Leaving Care Act 2000 to service users to ensure income maximisation To identify potential income and savings to Children’s Services as a result of income maximisation and standardising local authority payments To advise on policy matters 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits6
The Young Peoples Service The Young People’s Service has been set up to provide a services for young people aged 16 to 21 (24 if in education) who are either: Looked after Preparing to leave care or Recently left care 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits7
YPS The service helps young people prepare for the future by giving them help with: Young Peoples Service Workers Connexions Advisors Teenagers to Work Supported Lodgings Nurse Welfare Rights Officers 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits8
Benefits and Savings to the LA Ensure claims are made at appropriate time Take up of Education Maintenance Allowance Offset setting up home costs with Social Fund Community Care Grant Benefit maximisation for young people in residential care 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits9 LA is responsible for financial support to care leavers. Savings can be made by:
Pre WR involvement Ad hoc payments for young people Some payments discretionary and dependant on worker No record of what was paid and why No procedures in place 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits10
Now 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits11 Standardised payments in line with benefit rates 16 & 17 year olds access benefits where exempt Financial procedures for care leavers Direct involvement from WRO in planning Ongoing review of procedures to reflect policy and regulation changes
Monies Raised 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits12
Current issues Consultation Planning Transition to Adulthood for Looked After Children Apprenticeships – low pay G v Southwark Financial capability of care leavers Unaccompanied minors 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits13
Welfare Rights within YPS Our team is split into the North and South of the team We work intensively with young people who are care leavers aged 16-21(24 in education) Enables us to create strong working relationship with most of our cases Also with year old Children In Need cases 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits14
How do we work? We offer home visits, form filling, representation, advice around any type of change in circumstance We work very closely with YPAs and SWs We offer in house training to the workers on benefit issues Lots of crisis intervention on behalf of our young clients
Types of work Initial visit at 16- assessment and introduction to our team Liase with DWP and Council depts Assist with phone calls or paper claims at 18 when claiming benefits Crisis work such as sanctions, appeals and Attend planning meetings and feedback on benefit issues
Particular benefit issues Change of income when care leavers turn 18 Problems with benefit sections- implicit consent and authority forms Proof of identity and supporting evidence around making claims Some young people not advising on changes-only making contact at crisis point Public perception of Care Leavers LHA direct payments to young people ESA-very difficult for young people to qualify with mild/moderate issues 30 April 2015Introduction to Benefits17
Children in Need Purpose is to reduce s17 payments and deal with issues around Child Benefit Initial 6 month pilot in one district office Extended to cover the whole county In last 2 quarters of raised £224, April 2015NAWRA June
Transitions Team Half a post to maximise income for young people with Learning Disabilities Work closely with schools and attend year 11 reviews Raised £149, ( ) 30 April 2015NAWRA June
Contact details Julie Burton, Principal Welfare Rights Officer Welfare Rights Team Social Inclusion Service, Adults Wellbeing and Health Durham County Council Aycliffe Young People's Centre, Main Block, 1 York Road, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6JB Direct Dial: April 2015Introduction to Benefits20