Children’s Services Mapping SSRG Annual Workshop 9 th April 2008 Bob Foster
2 What we will cover today: Brief Introduction to Child Health Mapping Background and uses Some early findings from 2007/8 The next chapter Integrated children’s services mapping How you can help……
3 Background and development Firmly rooted in National Policy Part of ‘Supporting Local Delivery’ the implementation plan for child policy (NSF & Every Child Matters, Change for Children programme) Demand also from children’s field SHA leads and PCTs Incremental approach to development CAMHS mapping developed Child Health and Maternity service mapping introduced 2006 – joint Child Health, CAMHS and Maternity services mapping 2007 – national pilot of Children’s services mapping
4 Useful at different levels National - PIs Regional- target service improvem ent Local- bench mark Performance measures Policy monitoring Service review Commissioning Service development Information Comparison
5 Response rates Finance mapping PCTs registered95%100% PCTs submitting finance data88%96%97% Child health and maternity services PCTs submitting provider returns84%99% All providers of children's health servicesn/a CAMHS Registered CAMHS providers
6 Services mapped 4,516 in ,057 in ,838 in 2007
7 Workforce 2005=93, =117, =121,184
8 Actual Spend 2004/5=£3,600M 2005/6=£4,500M +25%
9 % Spend by service area 2006/7
10 NSF S1: % of PCTs completing a needs assessment
11 NSF S2: Provision of parenting programmes
12 The Next Chapter – Children’s Services Mapping at the level of the Children’s Trust Association of Directors of Children’s Services have decided to extend methodology to all Children’s Services and DH /DCSF have agreed to sponsor Will include all statutory children’s services and as many non statutory services as practicable (LA managed or commissioned services together with Health and the voluntary sector) but excludes schools and carries no personal data Children and Young People’s Partnerships as overall coordinators of both health and LA service mapping Integrate cost information to develop a complete picture of investment in children’s services Full picture of the make up of the children’s workforce and degree to which they work across sectors
13 The Next Chapter – Children’s Services Mapping at the level of the Children’s Trust Ability to report on key themes of integration across health, education and social care Disabilities Emotional Well Being Contribution of agencies to different models of integration e.g. children’s centres, healthy schools, extended services Can show the who, where and what is collectively provided in the way of Universal, targeted and specialised services Can tell us about models of service delivery in relation to the 5(25) outcomes
14 Mapping Products Online live tables with access to all data collected Comparison tool Preset reports with summaries of organisation or Trust’s information Themed reports on issues of particular public policy National Atlas of Key Messages Children’s trust portals - able to View own data manipulate and store work Service Directories for public and professional use
15 The key challenges and how you can help… Some of the challenges: Developing a new integrated process using CYPSPs Reporting a single commissioning budget for children Developing a common list of staff groups recognised by all sectors Reflecting the role of the voluntary sector without adding unnecessary burden Retraining health mappers and engaging LAs, some for the first time Reflecting both an ECM and an NSF focus in the way we report on progress Ways you can help: Contribute to the EWG; by or attendance Use your network to engage and disseminate the benefits
16 Useful information To access any of our reports use the web address: or contact the Durham University helpdesk To get involved in CSM development contact our project officer: Pauline Dowson on or To discuss any aspects of the project contact our national lead: Claire Thomson on or