League of Women Voters: 101 Presented by: The League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties 1
Agenda Overview of the League History Organization Operations Finance League Principals LWV NC ODC League: Who’s Who? ODC Areas of Focus Partners Upcoming Events
What is the League? The League is a national non partisan political organization – Doesn’t support or oppose candidates or parties – League is an ‘ action group’ – Promotes political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in gov’t – Influences public policy through advocacy and education – Members are urged to be involved in the political process – The League helps ‘Make Democracy Work’
League Goals Strong vibrant and growing organization Have a powerful and visible image in community Influence public policy thru Advocacy Educate public on issues of interest Support voting and fair elections
1920 League
History of the League Organized in 1920 by Carrie Chapman Catt before the 19 th Amendment was ratified Goal to educate newly enfranchised women become politically educated/responsible voters 800 Leagues in every state and DC, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands 130,000 members and supporters nationally
LWV North Carolina NC League first formed in had 4 league chapters Final state League formed in 1951 Currently 15 Leagues and 3 Members at Large (MAL) units 900+ members statewide 167 ODC members State Board of Directors oversees NC League organization
How is the League Organized? Parallels US representative gov’t (local, state and federal) Members determine policies and Program at all levels Presidents speak for the local Leagues Each League has an elected BOD Local Program setting meeting is the Annual (Business) Meeting – officers are elected – dues and budgets are set – bylaws are amended – adopt our Program for the year – Next Annual Meeting May, 2015
Decisions are made at the state or national biennial Convention – Delegates represent their local or state Leagues proportional to membership – NC’s next Convention is June 5-7 in Durham Alternate years meetings are called ‘Councils of Leaders’ – Two delegates from each local League or state attend All League members can attend these events/ only delegates can vote Organization (con’t)
How the League Operates Action Group – Identifies issues for action only after careful study and when members agree (consensus vs majority vote) Advocacy agenda is called ‘Program’ Must inspire member interest and commitment Can League be effective and make a difference? Would our efforts be duplicative of another organization Is underwriting required? Are there other organizations/partners who have asked for our assistance? Move to study or action once program items are selected
How is the League Financed? Member Dues – kept low so affordable (currently $55 per yr) – portion goes to state and national Fundraising to support program activities is essential National, state and local Leagues all raise funds
ODC Board President: Brenda Rogers VP: Janet Hoy Secretary: Ruth Ann Groh Treasurer: Susan Marston Director: Krishna Mondal: Voter Protection and Education Director: Linda Borkowski: Membership Director: Erin Barbato: : Webmaster and Social Media: Director: Marna Doucette: Program Can appoint add’l members as needed
ODC League Areas of Focus (Roundtables) Voter Services and Protection Access to voting Information about candidates and issues Voter registration outreach Legal action as necessary Education Health Care: ACA open enrollment #2 Insurance 101 Medicaid Expansion: Close the Gap! Environment (water quality)
ODC League Partners Elections and Voting: Democracy NC NC Center for Voter Education Operation Jumpstart Health Care: NC Justice Center Planned Parenthood Environment: NC Conservation Network Women’s Issues: NC Women United Mom’s Rising
Upcoming Events Chatham organizing meeting Voter registration events: – Durham Centerfest Sept – National VR Day: Carrboro Arts Center Sept 23 – Festifall: CH Oct 5 UNC Telethon: November Holiday Lunch: Dec November- April Program Lunches May Annual Meeting
The League of Women Voters (in summary) A non partisan political organization that advocates for issues but does not take positions on candidates or parties Leagues influence public policy through education and advocacy ‘Making Democracy Work’ by fostering active civic engagement and enhancing access to the vote Founded in 1920 through women’s suffragette movement leading to passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution Chapters nationwide with 15 in NC
This is Your League! ‘The more time and talent you are willing to invest, the more you will gain from being a member. Be active. Get involved. There is no shortage of opportunities!’