Partners in improving local health Emma Thomas Joint Commissioning Manager Children Joint Commissioning Co Durham, Darlington & Tees Slide 1
Partners in improving local health What’s a personal budget - An amount of money to support a person's identified needs, planned and agreed between the person and a local public service. - In SEND, a PB is an amount of money identified by the local authority to deliver all/some of the services and outcomes set out in an Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan. - Personal health budgets will be available to children eligible for Children’s Continuing Care from April 2014; -they will form part of SEND personal budgets where children are eligible for continuing care from October Slide 2
Partners in improving local health What is children’s continuing care? A continuing care package will be required when a child or young person has needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services alone. Slide 3
Partners in improving local health The Children’s Continuing Care Framework The framework provides a systematic approach to assessing the ongoing health needs of children & young people through : Joined up services & commissioning. Building on existing assessments. A process that is transparent & includes participation from the family & young person. Slide 4
Partners in improving local health What does this mean? Parents and young people will be involved in securing services that meet individual outcomes Consent will need be obtained from a child’s parent, a young person or another responsible individual before a child receives a PB. When linked to SEN Local authorities must inform children and parents about: -the SEN services for which a direct payment is available, the conditions of their use and the organisations which can advise and assist. PB can include education, health or social care funds. Local partners encouraged to form single integrated funds – not there yet locally Slide 5
Partners in improving local health How will they be delivered? Three ways in which PBs will be provided: Direct payments: individuals receive the cash to contract, purchase and manage services themselves. EHC Plans set out amount and frequency of payment. Organised/notional arrangement: the local authority retains the funds and commissions the support specified in the EHC plan. Third party arrangements/nominees: funds are paid to an individual or another organisation on behalf of the parent/young person. They manage the funds. Combination of the above. Slide 6
Partners in improving local health Children’s continuing care PHB will be available from April 2014 Healthcare services in a SEND PB will still be paid for by the relevant NHS commissioning body – in 14/15 a PHB will only be available for those families eligible for Children’s Continuing Care. Joint commissioning must set out local plans for agreeing PB -where parent requests that a PB includes health, local authorities will be obliged to work with NHS commissioners. Personal health budgets cannot be used for some services: GP services. Acute unplanned care (including A&E). Surgical procedures. Medication. NHS charges (e.g. prescription charges). Screening. Slide 7